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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Peace : Protest Activity : Right Wing


--Call Congress toll-free 1-800-839-5276 or 1-877-762-8762
to block the ratification of the election fraud. Congress meets
Thursday, January 6th, and we need a Senator to join with the
House in challenging Ohio's electoral votes. will have live streaming video of the meeting Thursday Jan. 6th at Noon - Chicago time.

--Read Why the Vote Count Challenge Matters by Steve Cobble, PDA Advisor at

--Target: US Senators and Representatives

To get at least ONE Senator to add to the growing list of Representatives to CHALLENGE the Electoral College Vote Certification on January 6th.


The first is to block the progression of the Electoral College vote

The second is to gain as much national publicity for the whole subject of election fraud

All we need is one SENATOR and one REP.

to cause a full national debate in Congress.
Please help by calling these US Senators with this toll free number 1-800-839-5276 and ask the following members to
Challenge the Electoral Certification on January 6th
due to the serious vote irregularities throughout the country, but especially in Ohio and Florida:

Akaka D-HI
Bingaman D-NM
Boxer D-CA
Byrd D-WV
Chafee R-RI
Conrad D-ND
Corzine D-NJ
Dayton D-MN
Dodd D-Ct
Durbin D-IL
Feingold D-WI
Inouye D-HI
Jeffords I-VT
Kennedy D-MA
Leahy D_VT
Levin D-MI
Mikluski D-MD
Murray D-WA
Nelson D-FL
Obama D-IL(1-312-427-6300)
Reed D-RI
Sarbanes D-MD
Schumer D-NY
Stabenow D-MI
Wyden D-OR

Please URGE these Representatives to sign a Challenge for Jan 6th, assure them that we will deliver a Senator to help!

Jesse Jackson Jr.
Bernie Sanders
Maxine Waters
Barbara Lee
Hilda Solis
Tammy Baldwin
Lynn Woolsey
Robert Wexler
John Conyers
Jerrold Nadler
Gregory Meeks
Robert Scott
Melvin Watt
Loiuse Slaughter
Barbara Lee
Rush Holt
Jan Schakowsky
Ted Strickland
George Miller
John Oliver
Bob Filner
Peter DeFazio
Stephanie Tubbs
Maxine Waters
by Ray Beckerman-

January 6, 2005 -- Washington, DC, In front of FBI Headquarters -- 9:00 A.M. -- Rally & Vigil Calling for Investigation


We would appreciate it if you would spread the word as widely as possible that, prior to the 10 AM rally at Lafayette Park, a rally and vigil will be held Thursday, Nov. 6 at 9 AM at the headquarters of the FBI, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, at Pennsylvania Avenue entrance, calling for an intensive investigation of vote rigging and vote suppression in Ohio,Florida and other states.

The rally is being organized by people from White Plains, NY, who have held nine rallies and vigils since Dec. 3 at the White Plains office of the FBI. So far they have received no response to letters they have sent to the FBI.

We will march from this vigil to the 10 AM rally at Lafayette Park.

For information, contact Nick Mottern (914) 806-6179.

SPECIAL NOTE: January 6th is a critical date in American history. It is the last chance this country has to preserve its democracy. If Senators and Congresspeople do not stand up and do the right thing that day, democracy is over in the nation that introduced it to the modern world, and our descent into dictatorship will have been completed.

If the small group of ultra right wing traitors presently in control of the Senate, the House, the Presidency, the Judiciary, the Press, and the manufacture of deliberately unverifiable voting machines, is permitted to stage a second coup d'etat, there will never be "election reform"; this crowd has made it abundantly clear that it respects power, not law. It will have become impossible to rid our nation of this cancer through the electoral process.

For the reasons expressed above, I have decided that, as a matter of editorial policy, I will not list in this calendar any events subsequent to January 6th, unless they involve investigation, litigation, and/or prosecution of the abuses that were committed in Ohio in 2004, and will devote no space in this calendar or elsewhere in this blog to (a) generalized long range election reform, (b) 'counter- inaugurals', or (c) attacks on the Bush administration's policies.

I urge everyone to stay focused on the 2004 election, and to do everything he or she can between now and January 6th to fight for the true outcome of that election. This blog is replete with action memos and calls to action, full of ideas as to things we can do. Everybody who possibly can should go to the January 3rd rally in Columbus, Ohio, with Rev. Jesse Jackson, participate in the January 4th - January 6th "Selma to Montgomery" March from Baltimore, Maryland to Washington, DC, and join Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., David Cobb, Granny D, and all those who are traveling from all across the country to attend the rallies and vigils in Washington DC on January 6th.

Sincerely yours,
R. B



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