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The Defense Intelligence Agency Is Waging Covert Cyber Warfare on American Muslims

The DIA is waging war on American Muslims.

The Defense Intelligence Agency Is Waging Covert Cyber Warfare on American Muslims

Author: X

Shortly after the attacks of 9/11, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) recruited defense contractors to wage war on Muslim websites.  The targets include legally run American websites with Islamic themes.  The method of harassment includes forum flooding, the posting of offensive pornography, harassment and death threats against users of the forums, online stalking, bogus reports to the Department of Homeland Security, hacking and network intrusion.  The primary contractor behind the project is Cycorp, a defense contractor in Austin, Texas.

As a cover, Cycorp employs the website known as KOBEHQ which features soft pornography, anti-Islamic discussions and neo-conservative news.  The KOBEHQ website is intended to appear to be unofficial.  It is ostensibly owned by an individual.  That individual has been traced back to Cycorp and Network Solutions has confirmed that the website is owned by a corporation, not an individual.

In addition to targeting Muslims within online harassment and hate, KOBEHQ has set anarchist websites in its sights and takes credit for shutting down many as well as turning Sherman Austin of Raise The First over to the FBI.




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