Chicago Jobs with Justice brings you this announcement on behalf of its coalition partner, the United Electrical Workers. Please contact them directly as indicated at the end of this message
Chicago Jobs with Justice brings you this announcement on behalf of its coalition partner, the United Electrical Workers. Please contact them
directly as indicated at the end of this message.
UE Organizer
The United Electrical Workers (UE) is looking for an experienced, bilingual organizer to assist UE Locals in greater Chicago with organizing, contract negotiations, grievance and arbitration
proceedings, leadership training and political action. Based at the UE office in Chicago, the successful applicant for this Field Organizer
position will work with locals in the manufacturing sectors and participate in new organizing campaigns. Starting date is January 2005. Starting salary of up to $37,000, depending on experience. Benefits include fully paid health and pension, and $285 monthly car allowance
(must have own car). Women are urged to apply. Persons of color are urged to apply. Spanish language skills are required.
The first union ever chartered by the CIO, UE is a national independent union with members in 26 states and a proud, militant history of democratic, rank-and-file trade unionism, progressive political action and pioneering international solidarity work. A commitment to aggressive rank-and-file unionism is a job requirement.
Fax, e-mail, or send resume and cover letter (explain reasons for interest) to:
Mark Meinster, International Representative United Electrical Workers (UE) 37 S. Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 829-8300 Fax: (312) 829-8307 E-mail:
markmeinster (at)