a new survey of 8,000 consumers around the world show that up to 20% of them are consciously avoiding buying U.S. goods because of the Bush Fourth Reich's foreign policies. We need to build on and organize this.
Incipient Boycott of American Companies Because of the Iraq Occupation
excerpt from a good article by Jim Lobe, confirming what Sy Hersh experienced in Europe recently, as dependence upon establishing the corporate identity through the brand, as described by Naomi Klein years ago in No Logo, backfires
[Poll: War Bad for Business
by Jim Lobe
The Bush administration's foreign policy may be costing U.S. corporations business overseas, according to a new survey of 8,000 international consumers released this week by the Seattle-based Global Market Insite (GMI) Inc.
Brands closely identified with the U.S., such as Marlboro cigarettes, America Online (AOL), McDonald's, American Airlines, and Exxon-Mobil, are particularly at risk. GMI, an independent market research company, conducted the survey in eight countries Dec. 10-12 with consumers over the Internet.
One-third of all consumers in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom said that U.S. foreign policy, particularly the "war on terror" and the occupation of Iraq, constituted their strongest impression of the United States.
Twenty percent of respondents in Europe and Canada said they consciously avoided buying U.S. products as a protest against those policies. That finding was consistent with a similar poll carried out by GMI three weeks after Bush's November election victory.
"Unfortunately, current American foreign policy is viewed by international consumers as a significant negative, when it used to be a positive," according to Dr. Mitchell Eggers, GMI's chief operating officer and chief pollster.
"Some American brands become closely connected to their country of origin and are quintessentially American," he added. "They represent the American lifestyle, innovation, power, leadership, and foreign policy."
My comment:
We need to build on this and as people suffering under the brutality of the Bush Fourth Reich fascist regime appeal to the people of the world to boycott and girlcott U.S. goods and services.
Here in the U.S., we can selectively target symbolic targets like Coca Coca, McDonalds, and Starbucks, and attempt to purchase as many imported goods as possible. There are also branches of foreign banks here, and we should all transfer checking accounts and savings accounts to them, but only if they promise not to make those funds available for loans or investments here in the U.S. or to U.S. companies.
We need to organize a massive worldwide campaign to get people not to buy U.S. products, to divest investments in U.S. companies, to not sell raw materials to U.S. companies, to boycott stores in their own countries that sell U.S. products, and to generally isolate the U.S. as the fascist behemoth and monster it is rapidly becoming, so that we bring the U.S. economy DOWN!