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As Prominent Antigay Bigot Dies, Catholic Hate Hierarchy Marches On

Reggie White apologized for offending numerous folks by his use of racial and ethnic stereotypes, but not gays. He parroted discredited line that gays choose homosexuality and said he was offended by any comparing of Black to gay struggles. Meanwhile, the Catholic hierarchy steps up its crusade against gay identity and civil rights.
Gay Foe NFL Player Reggie White Dies
by Newscenter Staff

Posted: December 27, 2004 8:17 pm ET

(Cornelius, North Carolina) Reggie White, considered one of the best defensive ends in the NFL has died. He was 43.

Before retiring in 1998 White played for the Philadelphia Eagles and Green Bay Packers.

An ordained minister, White made headlines in 1998 with a speech to Wisconsin lawmakers in which he blasted gays and used ethic stereotypes. He later apologized for offending so many people but refused to take back his comments about gays, sticking to his Biblical beliefs.

White had been invited to speak to the legislature about his community work with underprivileged young people and a recent trip to Israel.

But, in an hour-long speech he stunned lawmakers.

White told them that United States has gotten away from God, in part by allowing homosexuality to "run rampant."

"Homosexuality is a sin, and gays and lesbians should not be compared to the plight of blacks," White told lawmakers.

"Homosexuality is a decision, it's not a race," he said. "People from all different ethnic backgrounds live in this lifestyle. But people from all different ethnic backgrounds also are liars and cheaters and malicious and back-stabbing."

White later appeared in a commercial aimed at Hawaii which at the time was considering a constitutional amendment allowing same-sex unions. White appeared in the spot wearing his Packers uniform. It was followed up by a national print campaign denouncing gay marriage in which he again wore his uniform. The ad was sponsored by a coalition of 15 Christian groups, including the Christian Coalition and American Family Association.

Following criticism by LGBT civil rights groups the NFL apologized and ordered White not to wear a team uniform again to promote a cause.

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Catholic Church Launches Two Pronged Attack On Gay-Marriage
by Newscenter Staff

Posted: December 27, 2004 5:01 pm ET

(London) The Catholic Church has declared war on Spain's socialist government over its plans to legalize same-sex marriage and at the Vatican the Pope issued a warning to other countries that it will not stand idle if they follow suit.

The Spanish parliament last month voted to move forward with plans to legalize gay marriage and allow same-sex couples to adopt in 2005.

The move infuriated the Church. On Sunday, Spain's bishops published a statement charging that the concept of "sexual orientation" is "erroneous."

"One cannot choose between man and woman," the bishops' statement said. Marriage is "always and solely the union of a man and a woman," the bishops said. "Two people of the same sex have no right to contract a marriage. The state, for its part, cannot recognize this right which does not exist, without acting in an arbitrary manner."

At the Vatican Sunday, Pope John Paul II urged politicians to defend the institution of the family against what he called "grave challenges".

Invoking the image of Jesus and his family after Christmas, the Pope said he was praying that the Holy Family "keep watch on all the families of the world, especially those who face difficult conditions."

"Likewise, help men of culture and political leaders so they can defend the family institution based on marriage and sustain it in facing the grave challenges of present times," John Paul said, addressing pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter's Square.

Earlier this month, John Paul accused gays of an "aggressive attempt to legally undermine the family." (story)

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