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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.
An excerpt from the book, The Gospel Writers, at

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.

The Jews had become slaves of their own religion, beginning with King Cyrus of Persia. A Human Rights Activist from Galilee named Jesus (Joshua ben Hananyah) decided to challenge the Ruling Class Laws handed down from Moses and his Law enforcer, a Jewish Male War god named Yahweh. Jesus of Galilee would try and introduce a new Jewish Lord god, one that was equally male and female, known as the Holy and Perfect Mother-Father. The only Law that the Holy and Perfect Mother-Father required was to "Love thy neighbor as thy self." That was the entire Law fulfilled.

The Ruling Class wealth of Jerusalem had become so obscene and had interfered with the collection of taxes for infrastructure by the Romans, (because the Jews had become bitterly poor from being forced to give everything to the Second Temple), that when the Romans finally destroyed the Second Temple, its wealth paid for the ten-year construction project in Rome, we know as the Roman Coliseum.

The greedy Ruling Class Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem tried their utmost to beat down and eventually crucify under formal proceedings this Human Rights idea, which was not Ruling Class friendly or productive for the generation of great wealth. But since this idea was born of the Worker Bees and not of the Ruling Class, it rose almost immediately (about three days) after and spread throughout the region. An idea this important would just not die. This event Christians all over the world celebrate as Easter, without knowing it.

Jesus ben Hananyah (ben Hananyah -- son of, merciful and compassionate god) and his disciple, Akiva ben Joseph (ben Joseph -- son of, Joseph), also tried to rid the Jews of all their primitive Blood Rites (blood rituals), including male penis mutilation. These Blood Rites did not fit the new Law that the Holy and Perfect Mother-Father required, which was to "Love thy neighbor as thy self." The only purpose of male penis mutilation served was to make Jewish boys submissive by this type of castration. In fact, recent hospital studies confirm that baby boys whose penis is mutilated, become withdrawn and bond less with their mothers. They learn (are conditioned) in the first few weeks of their life, that the world is a very dangerous place and to be fearful of it; no one will protect them from harm, not even their mother or father. They learn that even the most important part of their body can be violated, and a portion of it, cut off. In fact, the Romans considered this so obscene and vulgar, that they refused to allow these primitive Jews into Roman baths because the sight of it upset everyone. "How could anyone be so cruel as to mutilate a male's penis," they would say.

Jesus also knew that a "conflict of interest" would also be present when money was mixed with religion. So to try and prevent this conflict of interest from ever developing, he proposed that this new Human Rights idea of love be housed in the hearts of humankind and not in any buildings or religious bureaucracy. So when Herod beheaded the Jewish ruling council (the Great Sanhedrin), by throwing them out of Jerusalem on c.30 CE, this new Human Rights idea of love would be taught by Rabbis meeting in small groups with the Jewish Worker Bees to try and remain undetected by both Herod and the Romans (know as meeting in the wilderness). John the Baptist (John ben Zakkari) was head of the Great Sanhedrin at the time. He and Jesus moved the council to Jamnia.

Unfortunately, when the Second Temple was destroyed in c.68-70 CE, the greedy Ruling Class Levites of the Second Temple did not just suddenly disappear. When the Romans dispersed the Jews from Jerusalem after the temple destruction, these Ruling Class Levites went to Rome, Alexandria, and up into Turkey. They realized that the Jewish Worker Bees were not going to let go of this new Human Rights idea, so the Ruling Class commandeered it and manipulated it, so that it would suit their purpose, once Jesus died.

Although credited for it, Jesus ben Hananyah (Joshua, son of, merciful and compassionate god) was not the first to spread this new Human Rights idea of love. It can be traced back to Hillel of Babylon and even further back to Zarathustra (Zoroaster) of Babylon at the time of King Cyrus of Persia, who also lived in Babylon. Babylon is directly east of Jerusalem. Babylon is actually the key to the history of both Jewish Human Rights abuse (of the Worker Bees) and Human Rights restoration.
Religious buildings and religious bureaucracy prevailed after Jesus, and the original Human Rights idea of love was distorted. Cruelty, fear, shame, guilt, and even the murder of 30,000 to 50,000 people occurred at the hands of religious clergy for over four hundred years. However, Jesus had faith in humankind, that they would once again figure out the hoax that had been played on them and how fear, shame, guilt kept them prisoners and abnormally domesticated. And that, one day, his Human Rights idea would return in its full glory to save the Earth once again; for a second time.

Suggested Readings
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Jared Diamond, Ph.D
Liberating The Caged Human Animal by Dr. Peter Hercules M.D.



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