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Commentary :: Globalization

The Christians and The Muslims Are At It Again: Christendom Trying To Expand

Are you getting tired of this latest Holy War? Are you tired of living in a primitive civilization with spooks, spirits, gods, and ghosts? Should Christians and Muslims move to another planet?
An excerpt from the book, The Gospel Writers, at

Are you getting tired of this latest Holy War? Are you tired of living in a primitive civilization with spooks, spirits, gods, and ghosts? Should Christians and Muslims move to another planet?

Though Christians have tried to spin it the other direction, people moved away from England to get away from persecution and oppression by the Church of England. For awhile it all went well, until the 1850's. Then, a mass exodus of Catholics to the United States occurred. This infestation began to take over the country and change everything from the U.S. Capitol Dome to look like the St. Peter's Dome, to our coins, by adding "In God We Trust."

What kind of a mind invents a god to frighten the rest of a population that they live with? Is this the mind of a kind and compassionate person? It this the mind of a person that cares for humanity? What kind of a mind invents a god to raise themselves above the rest of the population to the status of king or queen? It this the mind of a person that sees people as equals? Or is this the mind of a person that sees the population that they live with as ants or children to be exploited? Do you believe that these inventors of gods and kingships to steal the land away from the rest of us on the planet so that they could collect taxes were sane, secure in themselves, and logical? Or do you believe that these inventors of gods and kingships were unbalanced, insecure, scared, greedy, cunning, and controlling? During a four-hundred-year period, 30,000 to 50,000 people were murdered during the Inquisition by these same inventors of gods and kingships (and hereditary monarchies). Worker Bees who are unbalanced, insecure, scared, greedy, cunning, controlling, and murderers, we execute or imprison for life with very little hope of a parole. Yet, Ruling Class members who are unbalanced, insecure, scared, greedy, cunning, controlling, and murderers, have been left alone. Why? Do Worker Bees have some mental or genetic disability that causes them to believe that those who write and enforce the laws of the land, do not need to be held accountable for their actions? Have Worker Bees become helpless and dependent on the Ruling Class and therefore support leaders whose ancestors were unbalanced, insecure, scared, greedy, cunning, controlling, and murderers? Worker Bees will go to war for these land thieves and tax collectors, but will not go to war for themselves, their children, or their grandchildren. Worker Bees, using the absurd, "Forgive and Forget" motto, which by the way was developed by the Ruling Class and trained into Worker Bees, remain domesticated sheep; scared, stupid and dependant on the Alpha male sheep herder to push them, from behind, in the right direction. Worker Bees on Earth have less common sense, courage, ingenuity, survival skills, and grasp on reality, than their fellow primates; the ones who have been referred to as dumb animals in the past. I think the assignment of that label, "dumb animal," needs to be reevaluated. What do you think?

Once you convince a people to believe in a god, especially if you promise them immortality for doing so, then you can take their land in the name of that god. And once you have control of the land, you have control of the people.

Suggested Readings
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Jared Diamond, Ph.D
Liberating The Caged Human Animal by Dr. Peter Hercules M.D.



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