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We Need You On January 6th: D.C. Rally To Block The Election Fraud!

SHOUT your PATRIOTIC OUTRAGE about the attack on our DEMOCRACY! 
The Truth is Marching On from Selma to Palm Beach to Columbus to Washington, DC
Upper Senate Park near the Capitol Building
January 6, 2005 at 10 AM
We are not whining about a lost election, we are crying for a fair one! 
 -- Rev. Jesse Jackson
Democracy was not served in Election 2004, before, on and after November 2nd, with deceptive behavior, malfunctioning machines, high numbers of voters being purged from voter rolls, voter suppression, missing documents, unexplainable tallies and trends popping up all over the country--thousands of voting irregularities have been documented in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico, Indiana, North Carolina, Washington,  Nevada, Texas and many others states!
America is supposed to be a Democracy, where every citizen has the right to vote, the right to have their vote counted correctly and recounted correctly if necessary!  We, the citizens of America, should not have to jump through different hoops in every state to get our votes counted and recounted!  Is this a Democracy or is it a Sham?  Draw YOUR line in the sand and rally with us for the integrity of our Democracy!
• We demand full congressional and criminal investigations into all of the allegations of voter fraud around the country BEFORE the electoral college vote is certified!
• We demand a full review of our voting system by the GAO with corrective action by Congress immediately--no more playing partisan politics with our vote! 
• We demand full and fair recounts in Ohio and New Mexico, if not a REVOTE ! Jim Crow voter suppression will NOT be tolerated in this country any longer!
• We demand that corporate influece be banned from our public elections! Transparency, public control and scrutiny are essential.
• We demand that partisanship be banned from our Boards of Elections, federal standards, funding and oversight of our federal elections would insure this!  
The 2000 election was fatally flawed in Florida with fraudulent results certified by a partisan Secretary of State and sanctified by an unprecedented Supreme Court intervention!   In 2004, more states were added to the hit list with tens of thousands of voting irregularities reported across the country.  The corruption will not stop here and without patriotic outrage the monster will grow yet another head making future fair elections unlikely.
We will not tolerate another fraudulent election!
To endorse this action contact
For more info and a link to sign up for car pool or transportation go to
JAN6flyer.doc (15 k)
blockbushjanuary6.pdf (38 k)
Hello to all,

     Here is a quick update about what has been happening behind the scenes. First the Jan 6th mobilization to fight for our Democracy;

     I have been in negotiation with a couple of activists on this issue, the owner of ,David Lytel has a permit for outside the Capitol bldg on Jan 6th. We were trying to get a cohesive type rally together with him but he is not interested in working collaboratively! He wants to make this all against Bush rather than for Democracy, so we have decided to go to the rally anyways but that we will encourage people to make it about the Integrity of our Democracy and we will post it on a different web site, ! We will just have to make the best of it. I seriously doubt that Washington would give us another permit for a another rally outside the Capitol Bldg on Jan 6th. It is the best we can do! David controls the stage so if you have a speakers in mind refer them to david (at) and any endorsers also. You can go to his website and see for yourself what we are talking about. The rally will be from 10am to whenever Congress ends the debate on this issue, it is quite a complex process!  We will have a transportation board up at or at least a click to another site where an activist will help post cars and buses, please wait 2 days for the web people to get it up. We are asking everyone who would like to go by bus from Chicago to contact info (at), the price will be around $100. He will determine the need and then see how best we can fill it.  Please see the attached flyer about Jan 6th and pass widely!

     Please continue and step up your calls to the Senators and the Representatives! See flyer!  Do not forget Jeffords, he and Corzine are our best bets right now! Please do not forget the Repugs, especially McCain, he seems a little pissed at the White House lately! Also Rep. Ron Paul and especially, Rep. Sensenbrenner, the chair of the Judicial Committee! Conyers has asked that you stop sending e-mails to his judicial site but that you call Sensenbrenner yourself. The e-mails are clogging the site! Ask that Sensenbrenner call for a full congressional investigation of the fraud, please help yourself to the 1-800-839-5276 number to the congressional operator. 

     I have to call off the rallies on Mondays and Wednesdays downtown. I have gotten feedback from some in Washington that everyone in Congress is under a lot of pressure on this subject, not only from us! So I think we should be sensitive to this and tread softer. Continue the calls and if you can go down and have a meeting with anyone in Obama's or Durbin's office than please do so but I think the rallies are too much overt pressure! Please pass the word widely! 

     We are thinking about writing up a letter for every group to sign onto and we are thinking that small groups of representatives from each state, 10-20, will meet in Washington on Jan 4th and 5th to deliver this letter to their Congressional people in person. If you want to be part of the Illinois contingent then please notify me, drlora (at) . It would mean going to Columbus Ohio on Jan 3rd to attend a rally with Jesse Jackson and then having a strategy session with him afterwards, traveling to Washington late on the 3rd or early on the 4th and staying there until the 6th and coming home after the rally. You would have to use all your own funds, we have no money for this! I will be driving my car and can fit 3 others but I am sure we will need another car full of highly motivated activists to get this job done for Illinois!

     It has become apparent to me that Kerry is subtly working against the recounts in both Ohio and New Mexico.  There have been many reports of this. Just so you know what we are up against! It was a fascist e-coup that occurred on Nov. 2nd, there is no doubt in my mind any longer!

     The recounts and legal actions need money!!! Please continue to send your donations to,; (they are handling the NM recount funding) ; You will notice that black box voting has been taken off my list, I am a little worried about the lack of feedback we are getting from that organization and I fear that the primary motivation of that group is in question. We shall see when info starts coming out of Florida again, for now, there are others who need your money more than Bev. 

     Let's keep up the calling everyone, we only have 2+1/2 weeks to go, please do you best! We are modern day Paul Reveres and you will all get the gold star of Patriotism when this is all over!!!

Sincerely, Dr. Lora



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