LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education
March and rally to Save Senn High School, Dec. 14
Demonstration Tuesday, December 14th at 4:30 PM, Meet at Federal Plaza (Dearborn and Adams) and March to Board of Education at 125 S Clark.

Demonstration Tuesday, December 14th at 4:30 PM
Meet at Federal Plaza (Dearborn and Adams) and March to Board of Education at 125 S Clark.
- Help Us Save Our Community High School!
- Stop the militarization of our schools
The Chicago Board of Education will vote on whether to install a naval academy at Senn High
School on December 15th. We will demonstrate on the eve of this vote!
We are calling on all supporters to join us for this demonstration. Please post this notice
widely and bring as many people as you can!
Jesse Sharkey,
Save Senn Coalition.
Also, supporters of Senn HS will gather at 125 S. Clark on Dec. 15th for the Board of
Education meeting. We will gather starting at 11:00 AM and continuing throughout the day
(supporters should come when they are available, after work, etc.) People who wish to speak
at the board meeting should be there to sign up between 8 AM and 9AM.