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BTL:Ohio's Official Presidential Election Results Challenged by Recount and...

...Lawsuit Filed in State Supreme Court ~ Interview with Cliff Arnebeck, lawyer representing the Alliance for Democracy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Ohio's Official Presidential Election Results Challenged by Recount and Lawsuit Filed in State Supreme Court

Interview with Cliff Arnebeck, lawyer representing the Alliance for Democracy, conducted by Scott Harris

After a series of citizen-initiated hearings, protests and independent investigations into voting irregularities in Ohio, Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell certified the results of Ohio's Nov. 2nd presidential election, declaring George W. Bush the winner over John Kerry by a margin of 119,000 votes. However, critics immediately launched two separate challenges against the official tally.

The Green and Libertarian parties jointly filed a request for a recount of the votes cast in all of Ohio's 88 counties, backed by $113,000 raised to pay required state fees. Cliff Arnebeck, an attorney representing the Alliance for Democracy and 25 Ohio voters, will or has filed a lawsuit with the Ohio Supreme Court contesting the validity of the state's election results based on documented cases of voter suppression, miscounts of thousands of votes and a pattern of shortages of voting machines in predominately African American precincts.

In addition, Democratic Rep. John Conyers of Michigan convened a congressional hearing Dec. 8th to investigate voting irregularities in Ohio, supported by outgoing Democratic National Committee Chair Terry McAuliffe, who called for a study of the problems experienced by voters there. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with attorney Cliff Arnebeck, who describes the evidence of voting irregularities which led him to file a lawsuit before Ohio's Supreme Court -- and the potential for overturning the results of the national election.

For more information visit the Alliance website at or Free Press, the Ohio-based online investigative magazine, at

Related links:

"The Ohio Recount Will Go Forward," by John Bonifaz,, Dec. 7, 2004

"How To Take Back A Stolen Election," by Thom Hartmann, Common Dreams, Nov. 29, 2004

"Validate the Vote," by Ian H. Solomon, The Baltimore Sun, Nov. 25, 2004

"Activists Keep Heat on Ohio over Ballot Errors," The Associated Press, Nov. 30, 2004 and

The Alliance for Democracy,

Black Box Voting

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