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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality


After several discussions, the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network, formed in September 1998 in response to three gay-bashings that month, last meeting voted to change its name to "Gay Liberation Network." Many felt that the name change would better reflect the mission of the group.
CABN has always been about much more than just stopping violence. In order to stop anti-LGBT violence, we've seen the need to address anti-gay legislation and hate from the pulpit that fosters an environment that gives rise to the violence.

Mindful that some see no single term as encompassing the entire LGBT community, the group will describe itself as "A Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Trans Direct Action Group" in all of its publicity materials, including on its new logo. We are using the term "Gay Liberation" to avoid euphemisms like "human rights" and to harken back to the earlier, direct action years of our movement when the Gay Liberation Front helped spread the activist message of the Stonewall Rebellion across the world.

Whether you're talking about the Gay Liberation Front in the early '70s or ACT-UP a generation later, direct action organizations have always been on the leading edge of change for our community. With successful campaigns like and helping short circuit the tours by 'kill gays' reggae performers, CABN has made its own modest contributions to that tradition.

Among other future projects, GLN intends to continue taking the lead in organizing for equal marriage rights, hosting a rally on Freedom to Marry Day, Saturday, February 12, as it has for several years. As we saw on November 2nd, a purely electoral or legislative approach is a non-starter. To win legal equality for LGBT people, we need to have the sort of protest activities that the 1960s Civil Rights Movement used to win equal rights legislation for African Americans.

While transitioning to its new name, CABN will still be able to be reached at and CABNstopthehate (at) New contact information will be and LGBTLiberation (at) Gay Liberation Network's voicemail will continue to be 888-471-0874.



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