NEIU Students for Faculty Rights Fact Sheet Info for Tuesday's 4pm Protest at the State of Illinois Building
NEIU faculty’s union, UPI local 1600, demands include:
Credit for all the work they do, from teaching in the classroom, to researching and publishing work in their fields, to providing services
A manageable course load and compensation for overload
A pay schedule that reflects market averages and seniority
Academic freedom, to promote integrated learning at a university level
Affordable health care benefits
More than a 2% increase in pay
The administration has:
Decreased the number of full time tenure faculty and increased the number of lower paid non-tenure instructors
Threatened to deport international faculty and students
Terminated health insurance for all striking faculty and staff
Told work-study students that they could no longer be paid because they cannot guarantee that they are in class at least half time.
In the same time period (2001-2004) that the administration gave faculty flat raises of $250 and $1,000, President Steinberg’s salary increased from $178,000 to over $200,000.
Governor Blagojevich campaigned as the education governor, yet this year alone he cut $202 million from higher education budgets.
Support the UPI Strike
Call President Salme Steinberg at 773-442-5400
Call Governor Blagojevich at 312-814-2121
For more information go to or call 312-458-9272
To get involved contact
studentsforfacultyrights (at)