Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Chicago Indymedia Website Update

logoAs many know, Chicago Indymedia is working on restoring full site functionality after a catastropic server crash on November 17. Happily, a couple of additional issues have been resolved recently.

MEDIA UPLOADS: As of Monday, December 6, we have FIXED the 'upload media' section, so start slapping your photos/graphics/flyers/etc. up on the site.

CALENDAR/RAZORWIRE: As of Monday, December 6, we have FIXED the razorwire feature, meaning we can now centerpanel calendar listings and notices again, so slap up those urgent calls to action.

SITE SPEED/DATABASE ISSUES: We know the site is slow, and much of our media uploads remain hosed. We continue to work on this stuff. Thanks for your patience, and don't hesitate to rally in with questions, comments, and great thoughts here.



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