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News :: Protest Activity

The Battle of Seattle and Indymedia: Five Years On

In politics, five years is a long time. And on the internet, where self appointed gurus proclaim a new media "revolution" eveny few months, five years can feel like fifty.

Nov. 27, 2004: Five years ago today, tens of thousands of anti-WTO activists across a broad spectrum of the American left jammed the streets of Seattle in protests that sent the trade organization running for cover [Pictures]. Five years ago also saw the birth of the Indymedia movement. [ Very First Post on Seattle IMC ]

The following five years would see the energy of the "anti-globalization" movement (as it would wrongly be called) wax and wane. Hundreds of Independent Media Centers would join the global network, and a few would leave. Locally, activists would create an Indymedia U.S. Hardware, old and usually donated, would often fail. Government repression would become commonplace.

Santa Cruz IMC writes: "At the WTO protests in Seattle, we had a collective vision. We saw beyond the borders that divide us. We saw people come together across every kind of political and cultural difference and stand up in a way that we had not seen in this country for decades. We saw peaceful protests shut down one of the most powerful institutions in the world and we saw a system dazed and frightened by the sound of our voices."

Read NYC IMC Reporter John Tarleton's Seattle Reports

Santa Cruz IMC Audio Links: A Look Back to the Historic Anti-WTO Protests of Five Years Ago | This is What Democracy Looks Like

Related Stories:

  • "Five Years After" (Geov Parish)
  • Seattle Weekly Coverage: Lies and Omissions (Seattle IMC)
  • Hollow-Point Democracy: Five Years After the Battle, on Color and Seattle. (Anarchist People of Color)
  • Five Years After the Battle For Seattle. (Chuck Munson)
  • Battle of Seattle Architect Still Seeks to Uproot the System (John Tarleton)
  • Thoughts on Fine Years of Indymedia (Tampa Bay IMC)



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