All activities are in Chicago, unless otherwise noted. Events outside of the Chicago metro area are advertised ONLY if sponsors/endorsers are organizing publicly accessible transportation from here.
DON'T see your item listed?!? Don't let us make that mistake again! Please send your calendar listing to
CCAWR (at) with the subject heading "CALENDAR."
Tune in for the RETURN of CHICAGO INDEPENDENT MEDIA!! Back on line beginning today, Wednesday, December 1st. Support one of the most important alternative voices in Chicago media!
Get on the buses to DC! Protest the coronation of Bush!! Buses leave Chicago Wednesday evening, January 19 and return Friday morning, January 21. Round trip tickets are $80. Go to for more info. on protests here in Chicago and in DC.
ONGOING - 24/7 Union Picket - Support the Congress Hotel Strikers! Congress Hotel, 520 S. Michigan. Sponsor: HERE Local 1. Info:
ONGOING – Support NEIU Faculty Strikers!! 6:30 am – 8 pm, Northeastern Illinois University, 5600 N. St. Louis. Sponsor: University Professors of Illinois Local 4100. Info: or
ONGOING - There is an exhibit on free speech in Chicago at the Newberry Library, located at 60 West Walton, at Clark Street, about two blocks south of Division. The exhibit is called "Outspoken: Chicago's Free Speech Tradition." The library is located directly across the street from Washington Park, popularly known as "Bughouse Square." The square has long been a place for the exercise of speech by groups and individuals not favored of the establishment. The exhibit includes photographs of the demonstrations for marriage equality held earlier in the. Organized by Newberry Library and the Chicago Historical Society, more information on the exhibit or other aspects of the programming on free speech can be had by contacting
jthomas (at) or going to the website at
Thursday, December 2 - Student Rally to Support NEIU Strikers! 1:40 pm, Northeastern Illinois University, Foster Ave. entrance.
Thursday, December 2 – “Dr. Strangelove,” the Music Box Theater brings back the brilliant anti-militarist satire on the 40th anniversary of its release. 3733 N Southport. Info: 773-871-6604
Thru Sunday, December 12 – “From Tel Aviv to Ramallah: A Beatbox Journey,” 15 characters experience everyday life amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Viaduct Theater, 3111 N. Western. Info: 773.296.6024
Wednesday, December 1 – Attend the City Council meeting to insist that they pass a decent funding package for CAN TV. 10 am, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, 2nd floor. Info: 312.738.1400
Wednesday, December 1 - Vida/SIDA observes International World AIDS Day 2004. Vigil, 5:30 pm, Puerto Rican Cultural center 2739-41 W. Division. March to Marks Church (Thomas & Campbell), with a program beginning at 6:30 pm. This year’s theme recognizes the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. Come celebrate and honor those living and those who have passed away on this international day of observance. This years program includes performances by the children of Centro Infantil of the Puerto Rican Cultural center, a performance by Marilyn Camacho of Teatro Urbano, spoken word testimonials by community members impacted by HIV/AIDS, and an update on the campaign to “Save Vida/SIDA.” Info: John Colon (773) 278-6737
Wednesday December 1 – Not In Our Name meeting, 6:30 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Ave. Agenda items include discussing the current situation, increasing resistance to the Bush Agenda, the National NION Meeting on December 3rd & 4th in San Francisco, Inauguration protest, and more. Info: 312.502.2202
Wednesday December 1 – “The Bellwomen: The Story of the Landmark AT&T Sex Discrimination Case.” Hear author Marjorie Stockford. 7:30 pm, Woman & Children First, 5233 N. Clark.
Thursday, December 2 – “The Court as an Instrument of Racial Justice: Plessy, Brown & Michigan,” with Theodore M. Shaw of the NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund. 6:30 pm, DuSable Museum, 740 E. 56th. Info: 312.422.5580 or
ihc (at)
Thursday, December 2 – Democracy Workshop, with discussions of who are your representatives, what is the Freedom of Information Act & Open Meetings Act, and more 7-9 pm, Citizen Advocacy Center, 238 N. York Rd, Elmhurst, IL.
Thursday, December 2 - The first meeting of Illinois Progressives United will be held from 7-9 at 1000 Rohlwing Road in Lombard, the DuPage Democrats offices. Everyone will receive the DuPage Progressives Resource Booklet that’s been developed. Get to know other progressives in the area, enjoy some refreshments, and help plan our fight against the Bush agenda.
Thursday, December 2 - "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors." Next Labor Beat show on CAN TV in Chicago. This half-hour show documents what happened when the Chicago City Colleges Board tried to prevent union members, students and supporters from entering the board room for a public meeting on the strike. The teachers and supporters were told initially that they couldn't enter because the room was at maximum occupancy, but the Labor Beat camera disproves that. Viewers
will be astonished to see Vice Chancellor Donahue clearly removing the maximum occupancy sign so nobody would know what the maximum legal number was. Some may wonder whether removing such a sign is illegal. In any event, it's a shame that a CCC Vice Chancellor would set such an example for students in this way. The show demonstrates the principled and dramatic stand the teachers union took in fighting for their right to enter the board room. Cablecast on CAN TV, cable Channel 19 in Chicago, 9:30 pm. Video can be purchased by mailing a check to Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60607 (please indicate the title "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors"). Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producers, not necessarily of IBEW 1220. Info:
mail (at), 312.226.3330
Friday, December 3 – “Challenging the militarization of our schools: A forum on the fight to save Senn High School.” 6 pm, UNITE HERE Hall, 333 S. Ashland. Hear Senn teacher and Chicago Teachers Union delegate Jesse Sharkey, Stacey Paeth of Military Families Speak Out, Bill Davis of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Chuck Hutchcraft of AFSC. The meeting has been endorsed by CLAW, Save Senn Coalition, Chicago Labor for Peace Prosperity and Justice, AFSCME Local 2858, International Socialist Organization, Socialist Organizer, Socialist Alternative, and Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Info:
chi_labor_antiwar (at)
Friday, December 3 – Lickity Split Presents...The Candy Apple Freak Show! 9 pm @ The Dive, 1659 N. Campbell. Join the Lickity Split Radical Queerleaders in a benefit party to raise money towards The Great Cello Incident of 2004. All proceeds go towards repairing Betsy Chainsaw's cello that was broken at an Apartment show during Estrojam. Special surprise quests...homo-go-go bar dancers...DJ Ali & Eric from Think Pink spinning...all while the Dive hosts beer and jello shots! So bring your donations and give like its going out of style! Info:
LickitySplit (at)
Friday, December 3 – "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors." Next Labor Beat show on CAN TV in Chicago. This half-hour show documents what happened when the Chicago City Colleges Board tried to prevent union members, students and supporters from entering the board room for a public meeting on the strike. The teachers and supporters were told initially that they couldn't enter because the room was at maximum occupancy, but the Labor Beat camera disproves that. Viewers will be astonished to see Vice Chancellor Donahue clearly removing the maximum occupancy sign so nobody would know what the maximum legal number was. Some may wonder whether removing such a sign is illegal. In any event, it's a shame that a CCC Vice Chancellor would set such an example for students in this way. The show demonstrates the principled and dramatic stand the teachers union took in fighting for their right to enter the board room. Cablecast on CAN TV, cable Channel 19 in Chicago, 4:30 pm. Video can be purchased by mailing a check to Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60607 (please indicate the title "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors"). Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producers, not necessarily of IBEW 1220. Info:
mail (at), 312.226.3330
Friday, December 3 – Chicago Remembers Bhopal. Car pool to visit a Dow Chemical board member. Gather at 5:30 pm, UNITE HERE Hall, 333 S. Ashland. Sponsor: South Asian Progressive Action Collective. Info:
roshanisaraiya (at)
Friday, December 3 thru Thursday, December 9 – “Moolade,” Ousmane Sembene’s drama of female circumcision. Music Box Theatre, 3733 N Southport
Saturday, December 4 – Citizen Action Illinois Annual Convention. Info: 312.427.2114
Saturday, December 4 – Today’s episode of “This Is Hell” features Clayton Swisher, author of The Truth About Camp David, journalist Gary Matsumoto, anthropologist Merryl Wyn Davies, and historian Richard Bulliet. 9 am, WNUR 89.3-FM radio. Info:
Saturday, December 4 - 12th Annual People’s Thanksgiving sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, 4-8 pm (dinner at 5 pm), Casa Michoacan, 1638 S. Blue Island Ave. Every year we gather fighters from the main fronts of struggle in Chicago. This year join us in recognizing those that have played a leading role in these battles as we say: Dump Bush, End the Occupations of Iraq and Palestine, Fight for Trade Union Rights, Stop Wrongful Imprisonment, and Equal Marriage Rights. This event also tells the truth about the history of this country’s treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexicanos/Chicanos, Puerto Ricans and other oppressed nationality people -- a history of national oppression and racism. We don’t accept the myth taught in U.S. schools that European settlers wanted to live in peace with the Indians. The colonists came here to steal this land and carried out genocide. Ours is a PEOPLE’S THANKSGIVING. Tickets: $20, includes dinner. Cash Bar. Proceeds go to benefit Fight Back! / ¡Lucha y Resiste! Newspaper. Art and literature table, kids’ banner making. Info and tickets:For more info or to order tickets:
haywood (at) Send checks payable to “Fight Back” to PO Box 87613, Chicago, IL 60613
Saturday, December 4 – “Other Lands Have Dreams: Eyewitness to War, Wtiness for Peace,” with Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness addressing the Tom Neumann Memorial Forum. 2:30 pm, Oak Park Library, 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL. Sponsor: Friends of the Third Unitarian Church. Info:
Saturday, December 4 – Remember May Molina -- friend, mother, grandmother and activist -- with a Celebration of Lights. Bring a wrapped toy for Santa Claus to hand out to the children. A donation of clothing or non-perishable food would also be appreciated. 5 pm, memorial service. 5:30 pm, refreshments and carriage rides. Mount Olive Cemetery, 3800 N. Marragansett Avenue, Section/Blk: LM. Grave: 7. Info: 773.286.3770.
Saturday, December 4 – “The Days of the Martys and the Saints: the Enduring Memory of the Haymarket Tragedy and other Labor Massacres.” 10 am, Chicago Historical Society, 1600 N. Clark Street (at North Ave).
Saturday, December 4 – “Other Lands Have Dreams: Eyewitness to War, Witness for Peace.” Hear Kathy Kelly of Voices In The Wilderness address the Tom Neumann Memorial Forum. 2:30 pm, Oak Park Library, 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL. Sponsor: Friends of the Third Unitarian Church. Info:
Saturday, December 4 – Sunday, December 5 – “Magical Activism, Activism and Beyond,” a weekend intensive seminar, December 4 & 5, 2004 from 1 p.m to 9 pm. each day. Activism is more than just protesting. This workshop seeks to link personal experience and spiritual practice to the larger global web. We will examine how we each experience privilege and oppression, and how we can claim our privilege to enrich and heal our society as a whole. By weaving co-creation and resistance, we will awaken imagination within ourselves, and embark on the journey to change consciousness on a societal scale. We will study histories and theories of nonviolent activism to inform our process. We will develop our personal intentions and concrete actions for social change through grounding, aura exercises, deep visioning, accessing elemental and spiritual connections in urban areas, and skill sharing. Please wear comfortable clothing, and along with your journals, bring the tactics you already utilize in your life, in community building and on the streets. Classes will be held at Grace United Methodist Church of Logan Square, 3325 W. Wrightwood Avenue (corner of Wrightwood and Kimball, 3 blocks from the “Logan Square” Blue Line stop. Kimball bus stops right in front of the church. Street parking is also available). Cost is $75-150 sliding scale. Pay what you can afford, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Reserve space by sending a $25 deposit by November 12 to Chicago Reclaiming, Inc., P.O. Box 64976, Chicago, IL 60664-0976. Info and registration also at More info:
river (at) or 773.506.1099.
Sunday, December 5 – “Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” a film and discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Israel's occupation of Palestinian land seized in 1967, and the treatment of the situation by the U.S. media. Film produced by the Media Education Foundation. 7 p.m. at Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark. Co-sponsored by Not In My Name, Andersonville Neighbors for Peace, and Chicago Filmmakers. For information call 773.250.3225. There will be a suggested fund-raiser donation of $7. Info: 773.250.3225
Sunday, December 5 – Join us for the 11th annual pancake/waffle breakfast to benefit the Puerto Rican political prisoners and the Family Learning Center in the Puerto Rican community. 9:30 am - 1:00 pm at the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2739-41 W. Division, tickets $5-20. Sponsored by Prairie Fire Organizing Committee Info: 773.278.6706
Sunday, December 5 – Fair Trade Holiday Market and Amnesty card writing event. Fair trade holiday gifts & card writing to prisoners of conscience featured by Amnesty International. Noon-3 pm, Countryside Unitarian Church, 1025 N. Smith Road, Palatine, IL. Info: 847.359.8440
Monday, December 6 – Art party for International Human Rights Day event. 6 pm at 2502 W. Division. Sponsor: Peace Pledge Chicago. Info: 312.494.5840
Monday, December 6 – Court date for community activist and former death row inmate Aaron Patterson. 9am, 219 S. Dearborn.
Tuesday, December 7 - Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), lower level. Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail
CCAWR (at) for information.
Tuesday, December 7 – “Taken By Surprise……Again.” On the 63rd anniversary of Pearl Harbor, join with activist Harold Taggart as he discusses David Ray Griffin's book, The New Pearl Harbor. Griffin ventures where many haven't dared to go in speculating as to what may have actually occurred on September 11, 2001. In his carefully constructed research he comes up with many different possible scenarios. Provocative discussion encouraged -- come and bring your own point of view as to how September 11 came about. 7 pm, Acme Arts Center, 1741 N. Western Ave. (at Bloomingdale Street, parking available along either side of Western). Donation $5, pay what you can.
Tuesday, December 7 – Casey Schwartz of the Broadway Youth Center will be the guest speaker at Illinois Gender Advocates, 7:30 pm at New Spirit Metropolitan Community Church, 542 S. Scoville Avenue, Oak Park, IL.
Tuesday, December 7 – Chicago Youth for Conscientious Objection book sale. 9 am thru noon and 6-8:30 pm, Portage Park Center for The Arts, 3914 N. Menard. Book donations accepted. Info:
hollyhobbiegal (at) or
beadfairy (at)
Wednesday, December 8 – Women are asked to join in planning International Women's Day (March 8th, 2005). Planning meeting will be at 6 pm, Wednesday, December 8 at 2502 W. Division. Info: 773.278.6706
Wednesday, December 8 – “Civil Liberties: The Next Four Years,” benefit for the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights. 6 pm, The HotHouse, 31 E. Balbo Street (co-sponsored by The Bill of RIghts Foundation). Speakers are Kit Gage, Director, First Amendment Foundation and National Committee Against Repressive Legislation and founder and President, National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom; Lewis Myers, Jr., nationally known civil and human rights attorney, and founder and President of the Institute of Criminal Justice at Kennedy King College. Food, cash bar. Admission: one person $35, two people $50; program only (at 7 pm) $20. Tickets will be held at the door. Discounted parking available at 710 S. Wabash (the building adjacent to the Hothouse). Info: 312.939.0675
Wednesday, December 8 – Come to a 9/11 film extravaganza, featuring "9/11 In Plane Site," produced by The Power Hour, and "The Great Conspiracy," by Barry Zwicker. Discussion to follow. 7-9:30 pm, $2 donation, Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashland. Info:
drlora (at)
Wednesday, December 8 – Come to a forum on “The Battle for Chicago Schools,” discussing "Renaissance 2010," plans for a Naval Academy at Senn High, and the attacks on unions at NEIU and the City Colleges. Panel features a Chicago City Colleges teacher and member of the Cook County College Teachers' Union (CCCTU), Jesse Sharkey, a Chicago Teachers Union Delegate and member of the Save Senn Coalition, a member of the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) at NEIU, Sam Jordan of NEIU Students for Faculty Rights, and Jason Johnston of the Chicago City Colleges Student Solidarity Committee. Additional speakers are being confirmed. Organizations listed for identification only. This forum is sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. 7 pm, University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago Circle Center, Room 605, 750 S. Halsted. Info:
Wednesday, December 8 – “Civil Liberties: The Next Four Years,” a benefit for the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights and The Bill of Rights Foundation. Speakers include Kit Gage, Director of the First Amendment Foundation and the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation, Founder and President, National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom. Lewis Myers, Jr., is a nationally known civil and humans rights attorney, and founder and President, Institute of Crimainl Justice at Kennedy King College. Food, cash bar. 6 pm, The HotHouse, 31 E. Balbo Street. Admission: one ticket, $35; two tickets, $50; program only, at 7 p;m, $20. Info: 312.939.0675
Wednesday, December 8 – Illinois School of the Americas Watch meeting. 7 pm, DePaul University, 2233 N. Kenmore
Thursday, December 9 – “Crossroads of Crisis: Violence Against Women and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic.” 6 pm, Grace Place, 637 S Dearborn. Panelists include Debra Fleming of Chicago Women's AIDS Project, HIV/AIDS activist Ida Byther-Smith, and Tracy Fischman of Planned Parenthood. Sponsors: AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Amnesty International, and Chicago Women's AIDS Project. Info: 312.435.6393 or
mpurdue (at)
Thursday, December 9 - Mass public forum! CEO of Schools Arne Duncan has promised to attend during the first hour. 5:30 to 7 pm, North Shore Baptist Church, 5244 N. Lakewood (3 blocks east of Clark, one block north of Foster; at the corner of Berwyn and Lakewood, two blocks west of the Berwyn stop on the Red Line). Info:
info (at)
Thursday, December 9 - "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors." Next Labor Beat show on CAN TV in Chicago. This half-hour show documents what happened when the Chicago City Colleges Board tried to prevent union members, students and supporters from entering the board room for a public meeting on the strike. The teachers and supporters were told initially that they couldn't enter because the room was at maximum occupancy, but the Labor Beat camera disproves that. Viewers will be astonished to see Vice Chancellor Donahue clearly removing the maximum occupancy sign so nobody would know what the maximum legal number was. Some may wonder whether removing such a sign is illegal. In any event, it's a shame that a CCC Vice Chancellor would set such an example for students in this way. The show demonstrates the principled and dramatic stand the teachers union took in fighting for their right to enter the board room. Cablecast on CAN TV, cable Channel 19 in Chicago, 9:30 pm. Video can be purchased by mailing a check to Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60607 (please indicate the title "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors"). Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producers, not necessarily of IBEW 1220. Info:
mail (at), 312.226.3330
Friday, December 10 - Chicago Anti-Bashing Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago
Friday, December 10 – Pathfinders Prevention Education Fund honors advocates, activists, consumers, friends and supporters in the struggle for HIV prevention and AIDS awareness. Honorees include long-time activist Darryl Gordon. 6-8:30 pm, Akainyah Art Gallery, 357 W. Erie Street. Reservations required. Phone 773.533.5753 or 773.533.5755.
Friday, December 10 - Initiating an ongoing Friday vigil for peace, a group of health care workers invite Chicago area people to join them on Friday, December 10, (Human Rights Day), for a gathering that calls for an end to war and urges that US resources be directed toward meeting human needs at home and abroad, rather than causing ongoing war and impoverishment. 3:30 pm, 845 S. Damen, UIC College of Nursing entrance. Info: Gerri Gorman, R.N./Ph.D., 312.413.9013,
ggorman (at)
Friday, December 10 – “What Really Happened in Ohio on November 2nd?” A video of first Ohio hearing on voting irregularities and suppression in Columbus, Ohio. 7:30 pm, World Folk Music Company, 1808 W 103rd. Sponsor: Southsiders for Peace, Citizens for Truth Coalition, Progressive Democrats of Illinois, Friends of the Green Planet. Info:
welcomechange (at) or 773.445.6698
Friday, December 10 – Chicago Homeless Veterans Standdown. A day of health care, food, & shelter for homeless veterans. Sponsor: Vietnam Veterans Against The War. General Jones Armory, Washington Park, 5200 S. Cottage Grove. Info: 773.276.4189
Friday, December 10 - "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors." Next Labor Beat show on CAN TV in Chicago. This half-hour show documents what happened when the Chicago City Colleges Board tried to prevent union members, students and supporters from entering the board room for a public meeting on the strike. The teachers and supporters were told initially that they couldn't enter because the room was at maximum occupancy, but the Labor Beat camera disproves that. Viewers will be astonished to see Vice Chancellor Donahue clearly removing the maximum occupancy sign so nobody would know what the maximum legal number was. Some may wonder whether removing such a sign is illegal. In any event, it's a shame that a CCC Vice Chancellor would set such an example for students in this way. The show demonstrates the principled and dramatic stand the teachers union took in fighting for their right to enter the board room. Cablecast on CAN TV, cable Channel 19 in Chicago, 4:30 pm. Video can be purchased by mailing a check to Labor Beat, 37 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60607 (please indicate the title "The Battle at the Boardroom Doors"). Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producers, not necessarily of IBEW 1220. Info:
mail (at), 312.226.3330
Saturday, December 11 – “Free Speech and the ‘Kids of Fairytown,” a discussion of open gay life on Chicago's Near North Side in the 1930s. 11 AM. Chicago Historical Society, 1600 North Clark Street, at North Ave.
Saturday, December 11 - Join us to celebrate International Human Rights Day! 12 noon. Water Tower Plaza at Chicago and Michigan Avenue. This is an open invitation for all groups and individuals to creatively express what Human Rights means to them by bringing signs, sandwich boards, banners and flags to Water Tower on Saturday, December 11. We will create a visible presence at Water Tower Plaza to remind holiday shoppers of the importance of International Human Rights Day. We hope you will join with us. We will have an art party one week before on Monday, December 6 at 6pm at 2502 W. Division. Info: 312.494.5840 Sponsor: Peace Pledge Chicago
Saturday, December 11 – Symposium on Human Rights in Guatemala. Hear congresswoman Nineth Montenegro of Alianza Nueva Nacion party, Mario Polanco of Mutual Support Group (GAM), and Oscar Chacón of Enlaces América 6 pm. Sponsor: Foundation of Human Rights in Guatemala. Info: 773.250.3407 or
info (at) or
Saturday, December 11 – The Crisis in Mass Transit, Health Care, and Independent Political Action. Hear Nick Skala & Ida Hellander of Physicians for a National Health Program, and others. 4 pm, Heartland Café, 7000 N. Glenwood. Sponsors: Midwest Unrest, Green Alliance, others
Sunday, December 12 - The Partisan Defense Committee is sponsoring its nineteenth annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners. Organize to fight to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and other victims of racist capitalist injustice. The Holiday Appeal fundraising party raises funds to send monthly stipends to these class-war prisoners. 3-7 pm, UE Hall, 37 South Ashland (at Monroe). Enjoy music, dancing, food, and political conversation. Info: 312.563.0442
Tuesday, December 14 - March and demonstration downtown on the day before the Board of Education decision making meeting on the future of militarization at Senn High School. 4:30 pm, meet at the State of Illinois Building (northwest corner of Randolph and Clark Streets). March around City Hall and to the Board of Education. Info:
info (at)
Tuesday, December 14 - Trial of protesters for gay marriage rights -- Cathy Ann Joseph, Angela James and Andy Thayer -- arrested at David Orr's Cook County Marriage License Bureau on May 18th. Come show your support for equal rights for all! 9 am, 1340 S. Michigan Avenue. Info:
CABNstopthehate (at)
Wednesday, December 15 – Protest while the Chicago Board of Education votes on the Naval takeover of Senn High School. Info:
info (at)
Wednesday, December 15 – Health Care Justice Campaign Candlelight Vigil. 5-7 pm, State of Illinois Building. Sponsor: Campaign for Better Health Care. Info: 312.913.9449
Thursday, December 16 – “Romance and Reaction.” Eric Miller discusses Stendahl's “The Red & the Black.” 7 pm, Acme Art Works, 1741 N. Western. Sponsor: Open University of the Left. Info: 847.677.5474.
Thursday, December 16 – “Edward Said: The Last Interview,” author & Palestinian activist talks with British journalist Charles Glass. 6:15 pm, Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State.
Friday, December 17 – Tonight the Chicago Gay Youth Center, 1218 W. Addison, will begin hosting monthly youth parties called "Curiosity" for LGBT youth 18 – 23. 9 pm at the Center. Youth 18 and under must be CGY members to attend for legal purposes.
Saturday, December 18 – Stop Cat (Catapillar, Inc.) Coalition meeting. 1-3 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Avenue. Info:
ISMinChicago (at) or 773.489.3505
Sunday, December 19 – ISM-Chicago monthly potluck meeting. 5-7 pm. Sponsor: International Solidarity Movement / Chicago. Info:
ISMinChicago (at) or 773.489.3505
Monday, December 20 – Young Feminists’ Book Group at Women & Children First Bookstore. 7:30 pm, 5233 N. Clark Street. Tonight's discussion will focus on Angela Davis's book, “Are Prisons Obsolete?,” which explores the human rights catastrophe in our jails and prisons. Davis's book is short, thoroughly researched, and very powerful. New members welcome; ask for a 10% discount. Info: 773.769.9299 or
wcfbooks (at)
Tuesday, December 21- Women's Book Discussion & Holiday Potluck at Women & Children First Bookstore. . 7:30 pm, 5233 N. Clark Street. Tonight’s discussion is of “Against Love,” by Laura Kipnis, is described as "engagingly acerbic" and "extremely funny" and is designed to shake up our idealistic notions about love and coupling. New members welcome; bring food or drink to share. 10% discount. Info: 773.769.9299 or
wcfbooks (at)
Wednesday, December 22 - The Ying and Yang of Film showings, with "Holes in Heaven," a documentary about the HAARP system, "Another World Is Possible, North American Voices at the World Social Forum," followed by a discussion about Intentional Living Communities. All the while enjoying a Vegetarian Christmas Potluck, bring what ever you would like to share including wine! 7pm-whenever they kick us out, no donation! Healing Earth, 3111 N. Ashland. Info:
drlora (at)
Thursday, December 23 – Be MARY! Celebrate the holidays with the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network at their annual holiday soiree. “A List” gays NOT invited! Strictly B to Z. 6 pm - ?, home of Bob Schwartz, 5445 N. Kenmore, 2nd floor, Chicago. Info: 773.878.3697
On-Going Events:
Daily, 7-9 am - Democracy Now! is now in Chicago! Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and their guests are a daily independent source of news on matters like the occupation of Iraq. WZRD, 88.3 FM
Mondays thru Fridays, 3:45 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WZRD 88.3 FM
Mondays thru Fridays, 6 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WLUW 88.7 FM.
Mondays, 6 pm - Peace Pledge Chicago meetings, 2502 W. Division.
Mondays, 7-9 pm (1st Monday of the month) - Monthly meetings of Andersonville Neighbors for Peace, at North Shore Baptist Church, 5242 N. Lakewood, room 131 (Lakewood is three blocks east of Clark, and the church is one block north of Foster).
Mondays - First Mondays of each month. Department of Peace Coalition meetings. 7 pm, Thomas Ford Library, 800 Chestnut, Western Springs. (
MarjorieZ (at)
Tuesdays, 8 am - Silent Presence for Peace at the Federal Building - Peace Vigil, Federal Plaza, Dearborn & Jackson. 8th Day Center for Justice: 312.641.5151
Tuesdays, 9 am - noon. Progressive radio show on WZRD-FM, 88.3 FM
Tuesdays, 6-7 pm - Weekly protest against the occupation of Iraq, northwest corner of 95th and Western Ave. Proceeds the weekly 7:30 pm meeting of South Siders for Peace at the Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S. Longwood Dr, Chicago. Info:
lswolf (at)
Tuesdays, 7 pm - (2nd & 4th of each month) Hyde Park Committee Against War and Racism weekly meeting at University Church, 57th and University, Chicago. Info:
Wednesdays, 3 pm - Food Not Bombs: Meals for the Hungry. Loyola El Station.
Wednesdays, 4-6 pm – Northside Peace Gathering. Three Cornered Island of Peace: Milwaukee, Logan & Kedzie Aves. Protesting war and empire since Sept. 2, 2003. Info:
www.mundopaz3 (at)">
Thursdays, 1:30 pm – “The Ministry of Truth,” a weekly haven for left-wing thought and comment with Chicago Media Action’s Mitchell Szczepanczyk. WHPK 88.5-FM radio. Info:
msszczep (at) or
Thursdays, 5-6 pm - "Party from Damascus" radio program on WHPK, 88.5 FM. Politics plus Arab music - shaabi, pop, dabke, khaleeji and MORE!
Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 pm - Neighbors for Peace weekly meeting. St. Nicholas Church, 806 Ridge Ave. Evanston (3 blocks west of the Main St. 'L' station).
Thursdays, 7 pm - Southside Slam. Open Mics at N'diga Coffee & Books, 3510 W. 63rd Street. List opens at 6 pm, performances begin at 7 pm. Bring a gently used book and get in free ($2 otherwise, performers free, no cookbooks please). Non-smoking, children friendly environment. Info: 773.925.2517
Thursdays, 9 pm - Homolatee, Queer Words and Music, hosted by Scott Free. No Exit Café, 6970 N. Glenwood.
Every last Saturday of the month - Waukegan Food-not-Bombs will be serving vegetarian and vegan food to all those who wish to eat at Jack Benny Plaza in downtown Waukegan. People who can bring or donate food are highly appreciated, but the most important thing is your stomach and your sense of social justice. Please contact the RedAlert Collective for more info. or
redalertcollective36 (at)
Saturdays, 9 am - "Live from the Heartland" progressive radio show. WLUW 88.7-FM. Info:
Saturdays, 9 am - "This Is Hell" irreverent radio show. WNUR 89.3-FM. Info:
Saturdays, 2-4pm – Northside Peace Gathering. Three Cornered Island of Peace: Milwaukee, Logan & Kedzie Aves. Protesting war and empire since Sept. 2, 2003. Info:
www.mundopaz3 (at)">
Saturdays, 5 pm - Food Not Bombs serving at 18th Street and Loomis.
Sundays, Noon-1 pm - Not In My Name weekly vigil: End Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip & East Jerusalem. Water Tower Place, 830 N. Michigan. For more info, go to
Sundays, 1:00-2:45 pm - Food Not Bombs serving free vegetarian meals to the hungry @ corner of Lincoln and Fullerton.
Emergency Response Plan to War & Racism
Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
1. If the U.S. starts another full scale war on another country besides Iraq, a protest will take place at 5 pm+ at the Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn Streets, Chicago, the day the bombing begins. There will be a larger follow up protest at the same time & place the day after.
2. In the event of a provocative attack on community leaders or organizations in the Chicago area, CCAWR has constructed a phone tree to mobilize the community to quickly protest the attack, whether at a police station, federal government office, or other appropriate place. To get on the Emergency Response phone tree / e-mail list and receive regular calendar updates such as this one, send your contact information to
CCAWR (at)
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
CCAWR (at), 312.458.9559, 888.471.0874