Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

News :: Civil & Human Rights

Blagojevich's veto of Senate Bill 2165 - the "Willmette Bill."


In all likelihood, the Illinois House will take a vote to override Governor
Blagojevich's veto of Senate Bill 2165 - the "Willmette Bill."

It's important that you call your State Representative first thing tomorrow and
POLITELY ask him or her to vote to override the governor's veto of SB2165.

SB2165 was passed by both the House and Senate by large margins. The bill is
designed to protect homeowners from prosecution if they shoot a home invader.

Despite the popularity and sensibility of the bill, Blagojevich knuckled under
to pressure from the Chicago gun grabbers and vetoed the bill.

Last week, the Senate voted by a 40-18 margin to override the veto. It's now
the House's turn.

If you do not know who your State Rep is, then go to: and then click on the "legislator lookup" link in
the lower right of the page. Follow the directions provided for using the
lookup program.



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