Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Stay informed on the 2005 Counter-Inauguration

Counter-Inaugural 2005 Bush Isn't Going Away and Neither Are We!
We cannot wait another 4 years to stand against the war and rampant social injustice of another Bush Administration. A coalition of social, political, and religious activists have come together to protest the coronation of George W. Bush. We invite you and all your friends and family to join hundreds of thousands in the streets of Washington, DC.

Join us for a week of action January 15-Janurary 20, 2005. We're here to help plug you in to all the action.

The first step is to stay informed. We have a website at that will soon have a housing, ride, and events board.

The best way, however, to stay informed is to join one of our listserves. Here is what they are and how.

To join a moderated announcement and limited discussion counter-inauguration listserve, send a blank email to

To join an unmoderated open discussion list, send a blank email to

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