You see Mike, God is speaking through me and he's given me some idea's that might help slow down the corporate killing machine that he wants to share with you. He's been trying to speak to you directly but he can't get to you through the aluminium foil you put in your cap to stop Dubya's dumbass propaganda rays.
God's saying "Squig mate, I've been speaking to Dubya but the stupid bastard doesn't understand English, and his Spanish is pretty shithouse too, and I can't speak German. So I keep trying to tell the bastard NO MORE TERROR! and he goes off and starts some WAR ON TERROR! Jesus bloody christ, what a moron."
"And now the bastard has got the stupid christians thinking he's gonna bring back Jesus. Look I've been hassling Jesus to come down and sort you out for ages, but he's still pissed off at the jews so he said you can all go fuck yourselves. I sent a bloke called Norman Morrison to stop you dickheads in Vietnam, he made McNamara puke his guts out but you still ended up killing another million of your fellow men."
"What the hell do I have to do to get you bloody humans to listen, I thought THOU SHALT NOT KILL was pretty clear. Now I've started a bit of my own sabre rattling with a few hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcano's to try and scare the shit out of you. Trouble is I don't get off on killing people so nobody has paid much attention. So I'm gonna have to escalate, think of it as God's pre-emptive strike against your extinction.
"You've been breeding like bloody rabbits for ages, and the other species keep whinging to me about their extinction, so I figure I'll have to cull about 4 billion of you. This is the fourth time I've had to do this now and I'm way over it so get with the program"
"Now what I want you all to do is instead of having lunch everyday I want you all to go down to a bank, ATM machine, corporation entrance, or stock exchange, cover yourselves in black plastic (bodybag) with the slogan STOP KILLING FOR PROFIT! and lie down in such a way that people have to walk over you to continue the business of killing. Don't do it in large groups, instead spread yourselves out. When the Police arrive explain to them that you are doing it to protect them and their families from people who wage war for profit. But don't resist the Police, just move on to the next killing outlet. You must do this every day until the killing stops or until you get another message from God."
"And by the way my name's not bloody GOD it's GOOD! stupid bloody humans, you can't even get my name right. GOOD and EVIL get it. I'm GOOD, and you're bloody EVIL"