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Anarchists Trash GOP headquarters in NC
Anarchists Trash Republican Headquarters in North Carolina
by Dave Smalley • Saturday November 06, 2004 at 09:44 AM
In a Reclaim the Streets style demonstration late last night about 100 people marched down Hillsborough Street in Raleigh North Carolina, behind several anarchist, anti-capitalist, and revolutionary banners.
In a Reclaim the Streets style demonstration late last night about 100 anarchists marched down Hillsborough Street in Raleigh North Carolina, behind several anarchist, anti-capitalist, and revolutionary banners. One read: "Fuck Bush, Fuck Kerry; We Need a Revolution" and another declared something along the lines of "Block by Block, Street by Street, Reclaim the Streets". The loud, vibrant and visible march danced to the beat of several drums and percussion instruments while others waved flags, decorated the streets with graffiti and chanted slogans against our current sham democracy and for a better world. The march attracted attention from many passersby, several of whom expressed their support and in many cases joined in the defiant march that disrupted traffic on this main street through town. The following is an Associated Press article that has been ran by over 58 major media outlets this morning. The march ended at the North Carolina State Republican Headquarters.
Published: Nov 6, 2004
Modified: Nov 6, 2004 6:08 AM
N.C. GOP office vandalized
The Associated Press
RALEIGH, N.C. - An apparent mob of vandals attacked North Carolina Republican Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said.
A police officer reported earlier in the night that about 100 people wearing masks and gloves were walking down a street near the headquarters, Raleigh Police Capt. D.S. Overman said. The vandalism happened between 11 and 11:30 p.m., the result of an obviously "planned and orchestrated event," police spokesman Jim Sughrue said.
"This is not a political statement," Sughrue said. "A political statement is what we made Tuesday. This is a crime."
Police had detained several suspects early Saturday, but had filed no charges, Sughrue said. They were also taking steps to protect state Democratic Party offices from possible vandalism, he said.
Investigators at the scene found a partially burned, two-headed effigy in military fatigues. One head had the face of President Bush and the other the face of his failed Democratic challenger John Kerry.
They also found several spent fireworks, poster boards with slogans and spraypainted expletives on the walls. At least two windows were broken and police said it appeared as if the vandals tried to put incendiary devices inside of the building.
"The people who did this are sick," said Kevin Howell, communications director for the state Republican Party. "People don't understand that debate and elections are part of the process. This isn't how you act."
Bill Peaslee, state GOP chief of staff, said campaign offices and party headquarters in other states have also been vandalized in recent months.
"With all the constructive things that people can do to advocate their point of view in a democracy, this is how they chose to express themselves?" Peaslee said outside of his damaged office early Saturday. "The people have decided. Others may disagree. They have a right to disagree, but do it agreeably."