It was no big surprise that Emperor George II was
Your "vote" did not count in 2000, so why would you expect your "vote" to count in 2004?
When the re-selection of George II was done, your "vote" really was an illusion, especially since John Kerry essentially agreed with everything the good christian emperor had done in Iraq during the last
four years, and Kerry promised to INCREASE the war effort in Iraq. He accepts the reality of the cover story of Arab hijackers. He helped write the Patriot Act. Fifteen years ago, he helped cover up the BCCI scandal, another one of the great robberies in Amerikan history.
So, why are so many so upset that Republican vote-counting executives stole the election for Bush in Ohio, Florida, Georgia, and who knows where else? We know having Kerry, Bush's fraternity brother, in the White House would have made absolutely no difference in terms of empiracal policy.
So why is everyone so upset that Kerry so quickly conceded, getting himself out that contrived dog-and-pony show as fast as possible? Why is anyone upset that Kerry lost? Nothing would have changed!
This is Amerika 2004, where willing sheeple put on
blinders, where blindness drapes the land like a shroud, where old men beat their war drums and young men say, "hey, this is really cool!" in the millisecond before they lose a limb to a land mine, or frag an unknown family into bleeding bits of twitching protoplasm.
The sheeple have not only deadened their spirits in christian religious practices, they have lost their brains as well.
What will you do when your child is drafted into the military and sent to Iraq to kill innocent people for reasons that you know in your heart are lies?
Will you wave your flag, like the other sheeple do, just as you have dutifully cast your "vote"?
The re-selection is over.
Long live the empire. Let the killing continue.
Stop whining about the vote. You got exactly what you deserved. A homicidal liar with the weaponry - and the willingness - to kill everyone on the planet.
This is the christian religious dream, and it's your worst nightmare.
You have only yourself to thank for not paying attention.
The re-selection of Emperor George II will mean continuing to having the christian religion imposed
on us by threats and violence.
John Kerry spoke about his concession call to Emperor
George II, saying that they had a good conversation,
talking about the danger of division in our country and the need desperate need for unity, for finding the common ground, and for coming together, and today I hope that we can begin the healing."
The Emperor got re-selected by dividing the Empire along fault lines of fear, intolerance, ignorance and christian religious rule. He doesn't want to heal rifts; he wants to bring any riff-raff who disagree to heel.
Tom Coburn, the new senator from Oklahoma, advocated the death penalty for doctors who perform abortions and warned that "the gay agenda" would undermine the christian empire. He also characterised his race as a choice between "good and evil" and said he had heard there was "rampant lesbianism" in Oklahoma schools.
James DeMint, the new senator from South Carolina, said during his campaign that he supported a state Republican platform plank banning gays from teaching in schools. He explained: "I would have given the same answer when asked if a single woman who was pregnant and living with her boyfriend should be hired to teach my third-grade children."
John Thune is an anti-abortion christian conservative, or "servant leader", as he was hailed in a campaign ad - who supports constitutional amendments banning flag burning and gay marriage.
Even the Democrats talk about values and religion, and their sudden passion for wooing Southern white christian soldiers.
Death by Stoning?
Cool! I hope that they have enough Sativa bud to
go around for everybody man!
Death by stoning.The agenda of Emperor George II.
Mark Crispin Miller's new book "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order", tells about Amerikan christianity and the Emperor's plans to return to the religious "Christo-fascist" theocracy in which the Old and New Testament "law", and the "Ten Commandments" would be brutally enforced. Death by stoning for adultery, for abortion, for homosexuality, disobedient children, and other subversives. The Emperor's cabal is already pursuing his vision, and it is coming soon
to Amerika.
Posting the "Ten Commandments" in government buildings,and keeping "under god" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and "one nation under "god" on the money, and bleating faith-based initiatives to direct the taxpayer's money into the pockets and bank accounts of conservative christian religious people and organizations. Whining about gay people, blaming homosexuality itself for all of society's everyday and
current problems, denying a woman's right to choose, even in cases of rape or incest, enacting environmental policies that fly in the face of reason, teaching biblical "creation", not Spirituality, and waging wars to rid the world of all "terrorists".
You have heard this before, but you should definitely
see a pattern developing.
Mark Crispin Miller, author of "The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder", has revealed it in his latest book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order."
This book is definitely worth buying.
Amerika was quite deliberately formed as a christian republic, a fact that was confirmed a few years into Amerikan history, when George Washington, one of the "founding fathers", signed the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796. The government of the United States of Amerika is, in all senses, founded on the christian religion.
In respect to this history, people that practice Spirituality, and not religious governance, have always been, and are now especially offensive to the Amerikan theocratic movement. The elite theocratic movement of authority and wealth is still the most influential and driving force of the christian religion, just as it
has always been, since its origins twenty-five hundred
years ago. This dominion theology is also known as the
21st century of christian re-construction, especially
in post 9/11 Amerika.
This christian re-constructionism was thoroughly espoused by christian theologian R. J. Rushdoony, whose creed of 1973, "The Institutes of Biblical Law", states that the legal application of the ten commandments is necessary, which should be the ultimate foundation of all institutions, here and everywhere.
David Chilton, a christian re-constructionist says that the christian goal for the world is the building and development of biblical theocratic republics in which all areas of life is redeemed only through jesus christ and the rule of god's law.
These christian nations will be just as tolerant and democratic as Iran under Khomeni, or Afghanistan under the Taliban, and non-christians (spiritually-minded earth walkers) would be disenfranchised, if not executed and/or enslaved, while those deemed acceptable as citizens would be forever subject to a penal code as stated by biblical law, that is, death by stoning for adultery,(only for women), abortion, homosexuality, pre-marital sex,(only for women), for people who work on sunday's, for witchcraft, heresy, and so on.......
There is an article from salon.com, January 6/04,
which states that, according to the christian
re-constructionists, in order to impose the death penalty, you need only two witnesses.
Some of the organizations associated with the re-constructionism includes the Council for National Policy (CNP), The Chalcedon Foundation, the Rutherford Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford
Foundation, and many others, as well as prominent
individuals who are advocates and/or members, like
Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Ralph
Reed, Jack Van Impe, Paul Weyrich, former attorney
general Ed Meese, Richard DeVos, Pierre S. DuPont,
Adolf Coors, among many others.
In addition, the Emperor's cabal is also represented
in the re-constructionism by Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft,
Karl Rove, representatives Dan Burton & Ernest Istook,
Trent Lott, Dick Armey, Jesse Helms, and other major
A spokesman of the Traditional Values Coalition,
Lou Sheldon, states that George W. Bush is our
agenda, and Bush is totally in sync with the over-
all agenda of the Traditional Values Coalition.
The White House, Congress, and Senate, call them-
selves the christian voice in the nation's capital,
and speaks for all of the people, from strictly a
theocratical perspective.
The re-constructionist gang have also found favour
with Ahmed Chalabi, Hamad Karzai, William Kristol,
Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and many other
members of Emperor George II's cabal.
This is the standard practice of the re-constructionist movement that, being genuinely christian, it should be known as christo-fascism.
Look at all of this in the context of the so-called "war on terrorism". Some people may have heard about
a law that was proposed in 2003, the Senate bill 742,
written by a Republican member of the Oregon state
Senate, and is still waiting approval by Oregon law-
makers, would put dissidents, protestors, "terrorists",
in prison for life, with the "possibilty" of parole
after 25 years, would be mandatory for anyone who
takes part in or plans any act that disrupts
business, transportation, schools, government,
or free assembly.
As far as the christian re-constructionists are
concerned, there is no distinction whatsoever
between domestic "terrorists" or "terrorists"
abroad. This so-called "war on terrorism" is both
a war on dissent and individual freedom.
For more information and additional perspectives on the faith-related concerns in this so-called election, check out