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It’s Bush! Everybody Run!

It’s Bush! Everybody Run!
-Matthew Cassel

So Bush won, what should we do now?

I know! Let’s all run to different countries where he won’t be our president!

After the election many Americans have been talking about running to another country to escape having to be ruled by Satan himself, George W. Bush. Of course, most may just want to leave and will not actually do it, but still, what good is this mentality at a time like this?

Americans who think like this seem to be forgetting that what happens in America, the world’s only superpower, effects what happens all over the world. There is no escaping the wrath of Bush or the rest of the evildoers ruling our country.

The people that will be financially able to actually do something like this are probably from middle to upper class backgrounds. They are not taking into consideration whom they will be leaving behind left to participate in the so-called world’s greatest democracy.

Well, the nearly 60 million that voted for Bush I think are pretty happy living in “Bush country.” Then there is the ever-growing working class in America that cannot afford health insurance, to send their kids to a decent school or to even take a vacation day off of work. I don’t think it’s very easy for them to simply pick up their life and move it to a different country just to escape an evil politician.

Politicians like Bush who Ralph Nader recently referred to as, “a corporation dressed up like a human” need this working class to stay put. They pay them just enough to live, and way too little to really worry about anything else.

If you decide to run, years from now when your kids are learning history they will read about this time and ask, “Mommy/Daddy what were you doing then?”

“Well sweetie, I moved to Australia when Bush was re-elected because Bush was a very bad man.”

“But what did everyone else do?”


What working class Americans, and the rest of the world really needs at this point is for everyone that hates Bush not to run, but instead to do exactly the opposite, stay and fight!

What is the purpose of trying to escape it? Where will you go? The wars and millions of other problems created by the US do not confine themselves to the borders of our country. Our government makes problems that cover the entire globe. There is no escaping it!

There was a very powerful movement before and right when the war in Iraq started. Then after it began the movement died. People went in various directions, many went behind candidate Kerry hoping he could defeat Bush in 04. While doing this they never stopped to ask, who is this John Kerry? Once examined, anyone can see the differences between Kerry and Bush concerning most issues are… well, there aren’t really any differences.

Had this movement continued and remained united against all war-makers and not just Bush, who knows what could’ve happened. Perhaps a large portion of it wouldn’t have abandoned the other large portion by going and supporting a candidate who they will tell you was evil, just not as evil as Bush. Friends often tried to convince me to back Kerry, and referred to him as the “lesser of two evils.”

But, what confused me is why anyone would want an evil president controlling America? Oh, but he’s less evil than the other one. Ok… but still evil?

If this country is a real democracy, those of us who believe in what’s right shouldn’t have to compromise our values to play the game of American politics. There was a powerful movement of real people that did not want war and could’ve - had we continued to fight - made an impact not only on this election, but on the future of what will happen in America, and thus the rest of the world.

But many backed Kerry, and now he lost, and so did the movement. We split, and too many put the hope for change in the hands of Kerry forgetting that true democracy lies in the hands of the people. And now these same people want to run to somewhere else in the world, when in actuality they will be abandoning the rest of the world.

Right now the world is very upset with America. The November 4th copy of the UK based Daily Mirror asked how 59 million people could be so dumb on top of a huge picture of a waving Dubya. As Americans, the world is counting on us to do something about Bush. This is a very crucial point in history, and it is up to Americans to do something about it before it’s too late.

Of course no one wants to live under a George W. Bush, but by running away from the problem is doing nothing to fix it. A lot of scary things have happened in the past 4 years, it’s frightening to think what will happen in the next 4 if we don’t do anything.



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