Why IRS hit on NAACP now?
It may not just be racism or anti-Democrat tactics that led IRS to do odd pre-election investigation of NAACP for being too political under non-profit rules.
It may be that ONE top reason for oddly-timed, pre-election IRS investigation of the NAACP is that the NAACP passed the following resolution at its convention in Philadelphia...one point being to request a new and fair trial for Mumia Abu- Jamal. Not in your newspaper?.....
Adopted at NAACP National Convention, Philadelphia, PA, July 15, 2004)
WHEREAS, the NAACP adopted a resolution in 2001 re-affirming our
opposition to the death penalty due to its racially disparate
application; and
WHEREAS, the NAACP has re-affirmed its 1975 resolution opposing the
death penalty on the grounds that it constitutes cruel and unusual
punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment of the United States
Constitution; and
WHEREAS, many people, including Mumia Abu-Jamal, are incarcerated
on death row and face possible execution; and
WHEREAS, more than 320 people on death row have been exonerated;
WHEREAS, though African Americans make up only 12.4% of the U.S.
population, we make up 38% of all the Americans that were sentenced to
death and later freed after being found innocent; and
WHEREAS, African Americans make up 35% of those being found
innocent after being executed; and
WHEREAS, African Americans make up over 80% of those awaiting
execution on federal death row; and
WHEREAS, 145 people have been exonerated based upon DNA evidence;
WHEREAS, there is no possible way of restoring the life of an
innocent person killed by the death penalty; and
WHEREAS, the implementation of the death penalty raises concerns
regarding bias identification, police and prosecutorial misconduct,
judicial apathy in protecting the rights of the accused, faulty evidence,
inadequate defense representation, coerced confessions, and fabricated
testimony, and,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People reiterates its strong opposition to the
death penalty; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NAACP calls on its units throughout
the United States and the world to support the international call for
Mumia Abu-Jamal to be released from death row; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NAACP reiterate its support of the
international movement for a new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the NAACP renew its call for new nation
wide studies on racial discrimination, the adequacy of counsel, access to
modern research technology such as DNA analysis, the sentencing of
children and women to the death penalty and that the NAACP reiterate its
call for a national moratorium on all executions.
ss: Kweisi Mfume, President and CEO; Julian Bond, Chairman of the
Board of Directors