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LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Peace

Youth and Militarization City-wide Planning Mtg.

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Chicagoland Coalition Opposed to Militarization of Youth

City-wide planning meeting
November 13, 2004
Grace Place
637 S. Dearborn St
Lunch at Noon.

The Chicagoland Coalition Opposed to Militarization of Youth (CCOMY) invites groups or individuals with an interest in working against the militarization of our youth to join us in a city-wide planning meeting to learn about one another's initiatives, share experiences and resources, and facilitate the development of collaborative projects.

CCOMY is committed to raising community awareness of the prevalence and impact of military recruitment in our schools. We seek to mobilize opposition both to the militarization of youth and to its detrimental effects on education.

Proposed Agenda (If you would like to propose a particular focus group or workshop for this meeting, please respond to epolley (at) by Nov.4 for possible inclusion into the agenda.)

1. Introductions: what people are doing, what they want to do, questions, concerns...

2. Possible Group Break-Outs
- Gearing up for the Draft
- Process to adopt a school for de-militarization
- Alternatives to the military
- Literature development, production and distribution
- Active counter-recruitment
- No Child Left Behind Act
- Preparing a CO file
- Working with student groups (college and high school)
- Organizing against the military recruiters conference in Chicago

3. Re-convene to strategize about next steps

We urge you to bring any literature or materials on youth and militarization to share with the group.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting with you all!
Chicagoland Coalition Opposed to Militarization of Youth



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