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It's MY Homeland Security Damnit!

The Bush administration is spending $118,729.45 for a family of five on "Homeland Securty", the Patriot Act" and the war. President Bush said that he trusted the people, not the government four years ago. President Bush obviously does not believe that now. He is using government to funnel billions of our hard earned tax dollars to corrupt corporations who receive no-bid contracts directly from the White House. And not a dime of that money that is being squandered is protecting us. We the people should demand that we get that $118,729.45 so we can take measures to protect ourselves and our families. It is obvious that we could do a better job defending ourselves than the government can.
It's MY Homeland Security Damnit!
by Larry S. Rolirad

It's my family and it is my job to defend it. With our borders' doors completely opened now because of Bush's pandering to the Mexicans for votes, I see the government being a hindrance to my family's security. It would be better for our country if the billions of dollars that were being spent on so-called security was given directly to the people to defend their own families and property.

There is plenty of money the government could give to its citizens for defense. The republican regime has put every man, woman and child in debt by approximately $23,925.91 a person. A family of five now has a debt of $118,729.45 because of Bush's war, the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security. Candidate Bush said during the 2000 campaign "I trust the people, not the government". Of course Bush lied through his pretzel-stained teeth. Bush doesn't care about the people. Bush wants a larger government to reward republican campaign contributors and to control the people like leaders of most evil totalitarian regimes.

Rather than live in total fear of what Bush is going to do next to make the world, and our country, less stable and less safe, I would happily take that $118,729.45 dollars. My family could spend it a lot better than any government bureaucrat could.

With the meager amount I have already saved, plus the $118,729.45, I could defend myself and my family very well. I could buy a nice plot of land and stock it with food and arms. I could be almost completely self-sufficient. But Bush or the GOP don't trust the people. They certainly don't want that money to go to the middle class or the poor. They want all of that money to go to the wealthiest one percent in our country, and to the hundreds of republican companies who have been lining up for big pork-barrel projects for the past three and a half years of the Bush administration.

The GOP leadership want the republican party to be able to take as much money from us as they want. Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are nothing but scams being used to enrich those who have contributed to republican party political campaigns. Halliburton hit one of the republican government's biggest jackpots with an eight billion dollar contract. And even though Halliburton is under indictment for three violations of the law they are still being paid. The law says that any company which receives federal money and is caught stealing or defrauding the taxpayers have payments to them suspended. But that will never happen to Halliburton with Bush and Cheney in power. Both Bush and Cheney are co-conspirators with Halliburton in the fleecing of American citizens.

So what gives? Why are the rank-n-file republicans so complacent in allowing their senators, representatives, and president, in the republican-dominated government, to spend as much of our money as they can? Republican projects have bankrupted our treasury and have created the biggest deficit in our country's history. This debt just won't magically disappear. We the people will have to pay for it, whether it is this current generation, or generations to come.

I would like to keep that $118,729.45 the GOP is stealing from my family so we could use it to defend ourselves. I am sick of the BIG GOVERNMENT and the corrupt Bush/republican regime using fear to dupe the non-thinking people in our country into allowing the GOP to steal our money and giving it to their corrupt corporate cronies. When are the rank-n-file republicans going to wake up and realize their party's leaders are only acting in the best interests of corrupt corporations and not in the best interests of Americans, or their safety? Instead of Bush and the GOP controlling the purse strings which they dump into the laps of corrupt companies like Halliburton I demand that I be given that money so I can personally defend my family.

Copyright 2004, Larry S. Rolirad, All Rights Reserved
The author encourages the distribution of this article as long as he is given proper credit.



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