News :: Labor
Student Strike Rally at City Hall
This is the info and flyer for the rallly tomorrow. please let as many people as possible know.

Tomorrow from every city college campus students will be climbing onto buses in support of the contract struggle city college teachers remain in. In addition to the demand:
Defend Education - Support The Teachers Strike
students are calling for a freeze on tuition hikes, no over crowded classes, no concessions on the teachers contract and no intimidation and racist arrests of students.
Mayor Daley's appointees in the Board Of Education are asking for free work and slashed health care benefits from our teachers. We need to let him know as students and workers that this race to the bottom will not be tollerated any longer. Please bring your signs and manners, your drums and whistles to the rally tomorrow starting at 11:00 am at 121 N. La Salle. Students are also encouraged to bring empty notebooks to leave with the mayor in demonstration of our disrupted education.
Spread the flyer and get on the bus!
This is the bus schedual for the various colleges:
Bus #1: Daley College, leaves at 9:30 am
Malcom X, leaves at 10:00 am
Bus #2: Olive Harvey College, leaves at 9:30 am
Kennedy-King, leaves at 10:00 am
Bus #3: Wright College, leaves at 9:30 am
Truman College, leaves at 10:00 am