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News :: Elections & Legislation

October Surprise and Senate Office Closings

The long awaited October Surprise is clearly on the horizon. Multimillionaire Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat, Minnesota, of the Target Corporation family, the 2d largest retailer in the US, closed his Washington office until after 11/2, and they all have received "hair-curling" briefings about alleged terrorist attacks pending in Wash, D.C.
The long awaited October Surprise is clearly on the horizon. Multimillionaire Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat, Minnesota, of the Target Corporation family, the 2d largest retailer in the US, closed his Washington office until after 11/2, and they all have received "hair-curling" briefings about alleged terrorist attacks pending in Wash, D.C.

See the World Socialist Website, 10/23/04, "Minnesota senator closes Washington office, citing terrorist threat" by Ron Jorgenson and Patrick Martin at:

As the WSW states:
"There is a growing danger that elements in the administration and the intelligence and national security apparatus will permit or directly engineer some new terrorist atrocity to try to stampede public opinion on the eve of the election, or even create the conditions where the election could be postponed or canceled."

DIRECTLY ENGINEER is the correct and only possible means of these contrived "attacks." Those of us who have been doing our homework know for sure that the 9/11 Homicide was perpetrated by the US military and the CIA, with Dick Cheney at the helm, as described in detail in Michael Ruppert's excellent MUST READ book, Crossing the Rubicon.

If the election should occur, and you plan to vote on election day (as opposed to absentee, which you should do if you possibly can), you now have no excuse for playing the insulting, worthless and despicable "lesser evil" game, and you should and must always vote your conscience.

There are socialists on the ballot in many states. Please vote for the socialists on the ballot in your state.

Join all socialists in opposing all bonds, sales taxes, gambling, stadium swindles, prisons, police, the military and the death penalty. Support gay marriage, abortion, the progressive income tax (tax the rich), rent control and tenants in general, labor, and peace.

The Illinois Elections website is:
The Chicago (Cook County) elections website is:

October Surprise refers to Ronald Reagan's theft of the re-election from Jimmy Carter in 1980, by means of the Iran-Contra deal, allowing for the Americans held hostage at the US embassy in Iran to remain there from Nov 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.



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