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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

The Questions That Are Not Being Answered...Or Even Asked

While the Bush camp tries to deflect attention with false claims that Kerry is behind the stories about a Bush bulge, the media aren’t even asking the most basic of questions.

The Bush campaign and the White House continue to stall and dissemble regarding the mysterious object that has been hiding under the president's jacket at debates, public speaking events and even at home on his Crawford ranch.

The latest dodge and obfuscation has been to cite an article in the pro-Bush Moonie paper, the Washington Times (long known for its penchant for misinformation) claiming on no evidence whatsever that, the Kerry camp was behind planted stories about Bush wearing a wire for the debates.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Neither I nor any of the alert people who first called attention to this story after seeing the rectangular bulge in the jacket during the first debate had any help or even contact from the Kerry camp. They hardly needed it! The bulge is as obvious as the failure of Bush's Iraq policies. In fact, when I tried to get a comment from or even assistance in locating other photos from the Kerry campaign, I couldn't even get a call-back (the Kerry campaign has one of the most inept public relations operations I have ever dealth with in many years of covering presidential elections).

Indeed, when offered the opportunity to comment on the bulge, Kerry backers from DNC head Terry McAlliffe to CNN "Crossfire" host and Kerry adviser Paul Begala have dismissed it, rather than make the point that something is clearly under there and that the public has a right to know.

Here then are the specific questions that the media should be asking, instead of wasting their time with White House diversions and right wing spin:

1. Did the president wear an earpiece during the debates?

2. Does he have a medical condition requiring the wearing of something on his back?

3. What is that thing that was so important to the president that even after it became a controversy following the first debate, he had to wear it for the other two debates, too?

4. Why is the president wearing it on his ranch while driving a pick-up in what was billed as his time off?

5. How long has the president been using an earpiece, such as the one clearly visible in his ear at the National Prayer Breakfast?

6. Did the president use an ear prompt for his convention acceptance speech?

7. Why has the president refused to release his medical records?

8. Doesn't the public have a right to know the president's health condition?

Meanwhile, for those who are interested in keeping up with developments,
check out Is Bush Wired

For the rest of this column, please go (at no charge) to This Can't Be Happening! .




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