Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace


All Chicago area individuals and organizations who oppose the occupation of Iraq and other U.S. depredations abroad are invited to attend the first public planning meeting aimed at organizing protest(s) around the inauguration of the next administration – regardless of who wins on November 2nd.

All Chicago area individuals and organizations who oppose the occupation of Iraq and other U.S. depredations abroad are invited to attend the first public planning meeting aimed at organizing protest(s) around the inauguration of the next administration – regardless of who wins on November 2nd.

When: Saturday, October 23, 2004, 1–4 pm
Where: First United Methodist Church-Chicago Temple, 77 West Washington, Pierce Hall (lower level)(across the street from Daley Plaza, within a few blocks of stops on the blue, brown, orange and red lines of the CTA)

On the day that the newly elected president takes his oath of office – Thursday, January 20, 2005 – there will be thousands of people all along the inaugural route in Washington, DC demanding “End the occupation of Iraq – Bring the troops home now.” Whether it is Bush or Kerry riding in the limousine, the new president and the world will hear this message loud and clear from the people of the U.S.

Both Kerry and Bush have stated their intentions to maintain the occupation of Iraq far into the future. Both have expressed unlimited support for Israel’s war against the Palestinian people. Both are determined to maintain the murderous blockade of Cuba, the occupations of Haiti and Afghanistan, U.S. aggression against Korea, the Philippines, Sudan, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Colombia and other countries. Both call for expanding the U.S. military and the Pentagon war budget, at the expense of meeting people’s needs here and internationally.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition has called and obtained a permit for a Counter-Inaugural Demonstration on Thursday, January 20, 2005 in Washington, DC. Undoubtedly there will be other protests in DC as well. Part of the purpose of the Chicago organizing meeting will be to discuss mobilizing Chicago area people to attend these protest(s). The other main purpose of the organizing meeting will be to explore the possibility of organizing united protest(s) in Chicago around the time of the inauguration, for those who are unable to travel to DC.

If you and any organizations you are a part of are interested in organizing one or more of these proposed projects, you are invited to this meeting and we hope you will be able to attend. (persons associated with law enforcement agencies are NOT invited).

Please post this invitation widely. We want to include as many people as possible in organizing for these important actions.

For more information contact the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism by email CCAWR (at), by phone (888) 471-0874, or call 8th Day Center for Justice (312) 641-5151 and ask for Dorothy or Mike

The Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism



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