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Radionic treatment possible for depleted uranium sickness and Gulf War syndrome?

Should it not be possible to phase-cancel the effects, or the emanating electromagnetic frequencies from these depleted uranium particles, even if they are lodged in the tissues? Would not radionic and psychotronic treatment be possible, and highly effective?
I was reading about and listening to radio programs concerning Gulf War syndrome, and radiation poisoning all over the world, including Concord, Mass..

I just realized the radionic rates for radiation sickness, radium burns, radiation syndrome, etc., are published for decades now.

The current rate book , Organs and Symptoms, published by Copen, page 200, for example.

Should it not be possible to phase-cancel the effects, or the emanating electromagnetic frequencies from these depleted uranium particles, even if they are lodged in the tissues? Would not radionic and psychotronic treatment be possible, and highly effective?

As we know, radionics and psychotronics were originally developed for medicine, agriculture, and mining, not weapons.

With best wishes,

Robert Dawn

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Radionic treatment possible for depleted uranium sickness and Gulf War syndrome?
Date: 10/16/2004 2:18:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Rdawnrobert
To: Rdawnrobert

I was reading about and listening to radio programs concerning Gulf War syndrome, and radiation poisoning all over the world, including Concord, Mass..

I just realized the radionic rates for radiation sickness, radium burns, radiation syndrome, etc., are published for decades now.

The current rate book , Organs and Symptoms, published by Copen, page 200, for example.

It should be possible to phase-cancel the effects, or the emanating electromagnetic frequencies from these depleted uranium particles, even if they are lodged in the tissues. Radionic and psychotronic treatment may be possible, and may be highly effective.

As you know, I hope, radionics and psychotronics were originally developed for medicine, agriculture, and mining, not weapons.

With best wishes,

Robert Dawn

"Email, Yes! - Telepathy, No!"



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