LOCAL Announcement :: Media
GNN live in Chicago Oct 17
come meet stephen marshall and check out
The Guerrilla News Network's Media ®evolution

October 17, 2004
High School (above buddY)
1542 N Milwaukee Ave 3rd floor
The Guerrilla News Network's Media ®evolution
The media sucks. But you already knew that. The Guerrilla News Network doesn't just offer up another cranky complaint. In this unique multi-media presentation, the media revolutionaries from GNN tell the story of how over the course of four years they went from 300 visitors a day on their fledgling alt. news web site built from equipment cobbled together from a dying dot.com, to over 25,000 visitors today. Along the way they've produced music videos for Eminem and Ad Rock, and a series of Sundance-awarding winning political shorts that have become underground cult classics. This fall, they're releasing a new book, True Lies, a new feature documentary about Iraq, BattleGround: 21 Days on the Empire's Edge, and have a controversial feature film starring Rosario Dawson in the works. These digital Don Quixotes will share their experiences on the frontlines of the info-war, as they discuss the challenges (and opportunities) of media consolidation, the promise (and pratfalls) of low-cost digital journalism, how to get covered (the right way) by the mainstream press, and, most importantly, what tools, skills and talents you need to start your own media revolution.
Admission: free with SMF3 pass or $5 suggested donation