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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Open Letter to Alderman Mary Ann Smith: Academic Freedom not Military Regimerntation at Senn High School

Alderman Mary Ann Smith vs the community,
a call for Alderman Smith to initiate a town meeting on the issue of a proposed Naval Academy at Senn High School
Dear Alderman Smith:

I attended the proposed Naval Academy public hearing at Senn High School on October 5th and witnessed all. It cannot be emphasized enough that the teachers, students, community members who packed the auditorium that night were fundamentally opposed to the project calling for a military academy on their campus. The solidarity amongst students alone was impressive ... many held up placards whose wording was to the point: Save Senn

Academic Freedom not Military Regimentation

Inclusiveness not Disenfranchisement of Senn's Openly Gay & Lesbian Student Body

History Embracing Asians, African Americans &
Latinos not Sanitized Military Courses

Human Fulfillment Through Thinking for Oneseslf not Blind Allegiance to Military "Leadership"

At the core of the community's passion is a deep distrust of the United States Military, the lies of a president and a disdain for our hellish quagmire in Iraq. These teachers, students, community residents are committed to the many fine programs that are already under way at Senn High. They do not want the military on their campus and you are not going to convince them otherwise. As one student so eloquently put it: "we want to learn to read books, not shoot guns".

Senn High School students & teachers and 48th Ward concerned citizens do not need to be informed ... tthey are already knowledgeable, articulate and united. When you walked out on this group, you mistook (perhaps conveniently) as a disruption their spirited anti-military rally. You owe it to yourself and the community to hear the grievances of those who were present that night. The prevailing perception (and a correct one) is that you are pushing over on your constituents your own agenda.

Therefore, in the best interests of the community (and really also yours), I strongly urge you to take the initiative and sponsor an open meeting of 48th Ward concerned citizens and Senn High School students and teachers at your earliest possible convenience in order to listen to what The People have to say.

- Craig Teichen



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