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BTL:Shortage of Soldiers to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan Sparks Debate Over...

...Reinstitution of Military Draft ~ Interview with Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Shortage of Soldiers to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan Sparks Debate Over Reinstitution of Military Draft

Interview with Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier, conducted by Scott Harris

As the war in Iraq continues, U.S. occupation forces have stepped up attacks on cities controlled by insurgents in places like Samarra and Falluja. The number of American soldiers killed in the war has now risen to more than 1,060, while the estimated number of Iraqi civilians killed range up to 15,000.

In the midst of the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, reports confirm that the U.S. military is stretched thin. The Army National Guard failed this year to meet its recruitment goal; re-enlistment is down, stop loss orders have extended thousands of soldiers' tours of duty and in recent months, one-third of Ready Reservists refused to report for service. These are among the signs which suggest the military's all-volunteer system, in place since the end of the draft in 1973, may not be able to produce enough soldiers for the Pentagon.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., has proposed federal legislation that would require military conscription or alternative national service for all young adults. Rangel believes that if those calling for war knew that their children were more likely to be placed in harm's way, they would be more cautious about leading the nation into battle. Rangel's measure was overwhelmingly defeated in the House Oct. 5 in a move by the GOP to quash growing concern about a post-election draft. But, there is still growing debate about how the Pentagon will make up the shortfall of soldiers to fight current and future wars. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier, who discusses the possibility that a draft could, in the near future, be re-instituted for young men and women.

Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier, is author of "America's Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism."

Contact Citizen Soldier by calling (212) 679-2250 or visit their website at Read Ensign's article "Draft Chatter" in the Fall 2004 edition of Toward Freedom Magazine online at

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