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Chicago Indymedia

News :: Gender & Sexuality

Wells Students Protest Trustee Decision to go Coed

Almost 200 students (over half of the residential students at Wells) have taken over Macmillan, the main academic building at Wells College, located in Aurora New York. On Saturday October 2, the trustees of Wells College a women’s college for 136 year decided to go co-ed.
In a statement, the students said: “We have been here since shortly after 2:00pm on Saturday, October 2. We will stay here until the Board of Trustees agrees to our list of demands.”

Wells College is a women's college located in Aurora, New York with approximately 397 enrolled students. It has been a women's college for 136 years.

Approximately 10 students are on a hunger strike and students that are protesting are being denied access to food from the dining hall. Media attention and donations are coming in; however, they still need help. Please direct monetary donations to:

Save Our Sisterhood (SOS)
c/o Caitlin Pratt
Wells College
Aurora, NY 13026

There is also a website set up with more detailed information about the protests and a paypal link to send money to the students to purchase food.



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