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Bush Doesn’t Want 4 More Years

When President Bush debated John Kerry last week in Florida, he basically told the American people: 1) I really do not want to be president for another four years, 2) I really do not know how to deal with the mess my administration has got us into, and 3) I can not sincerely defend the performance of my administration's past four years. He did not exactly say these things verbatim, but his heart sent these messages.
When President Bush debated John Kerry last week in Florida, he basically told the American people: 1) I really do not want to be president for another four years, 2) I really do not know how to deal with the mess my administration has got us into, and 3) I can not sincerely defend the performance of my administration's past four years.

He did not exactly say these things verbatim, but his heart sent these messages--and it was obvious to the intuitive mind. He walked into the debate defeated before it started. He knew he could not adequately defend all the legitimate accusations made against his White House over the months.

His heart was ambivalent and spoke to fence sitters as such. If audience read between his lines and his performance as abject lack of confidence it was plain sight: "It's a lot of work and it just ain't going well people." "If I appear somewhat incompetent and frustrated well things are kind of getting unhinged with all the criticism and sour notes."

When Bush debated Al Gore four years ago he actually sounded pretty good, and he projected a "different" mindset on foreign policy than what actually transpired during his reign. But last week, had he planned on looking bad intentionally, he could not of done a better job. He even brought up stuff that was not mentioned that made his look worse?

People were surprised and wondered why this man was acting so distraught. The fact is the guy is torn. It was not even a close fight as the towel was thrown in the ring by this fighter himself. Think about it--he was coached for hours on how to debate Kerry, and yes Kerry is a good debater (as Bush knew the rhetoric of Kerry's campaign), but how could have Bush have flubbed so big time? The man literally collapsed.

In essence he told us Americans: "I can not perform this self-deceit anymore--even I, supposed puppet (that he brought up as accused), do not believe in the stuff they (the people behind him) are feeding me anymore more." "Save me and retire me--I really am not up to this demanding and impossible role." "I don't really want to be here emotionally--it is just that I can not say it consciously to anyone, or to myself."

Yet his unconscious self said it all and spoke clearly: "It's a lot of work." Bush was highjacked by the Neo-Con-Artists. The PR people of the presses say he deviated from his father's judgements because he had his own ideas--but this is not true. He is not even an idea man. We know he was never in charge. He may have been led to believe he was in charge, but he was dependent on those around him.

When 9/11 happened, did his entourage get him in command control to lead the crisis? No--they left him there to listen to school children read a schoolbook. What does this tell us--it tells us a lot.

George Bush is the kind of guy that deep down just wanted to be a regular kind of guy--a business man with a successful baseball team. Sure he had his ambitions and conceits (inherited from his family ancestry) but he was never up to playing this kind of agenda on the public. He thought it was a job in which he could golf and let those underneath handle the gristly details while he played PR.

Yet George Bush was used like a rag doll. They took whatever sincerity and innocence he had left in him (and most everyone has some) and used it to get over on the public (as the sheep are still in the dark). But even their coaching this time around did nothing to help his admission of failure ("their" profound failure), including their moral failure, as this is a time of corruption.

Some puny pundits in the main stream media made the debate out to be a debate of substance over style (save Kerry's supposed lack of effective style or substance). Yet one wonders how these people who print such lies can sleep at night. Now the spin masters must "work" hard to undo Bush's devastating self defeat, as they stubbornly concede a minimum of loss like the retentives they act. It took a gross failure of substance and style by George W. himself to really rattle editorial boards across the country. They must be getting Fox news like talking points faxed directly to them now.

Divided President Bush' heart is smarter than is his limited neocortex in asking for a defeat (even if he isn't aware of what he really communicated). He took on more than he could handle. He did select "strong" advisers and you half to give him credit for that even if they were his down fall.

Yes it was a tough tour--he had not planned for such events. The wolves in Washington D.C. and in corporate main stream media spend hours of time and energy spinning their sanctimonious crap for months only to see it splatter back in their faces like blowback fumes. Alone and surrounded by doubts Bush was indefensible. And "they" (the administration and corporate news deserve it). They thought their weak reed was going to perform endlessly.

But why would Bush want to hear more about civilian and GIs deaths for a war he got pushed into. Bush, like Powell, was not immediately on board, yet Rumsfeld the very next day after 9/11 tried to tie the catastrophe to Saddam Hussein! The very next day! Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith, etc. are very suspect. Shortly now the Pres can take some time to go to pasture in Texas and find himself so as to get into some job more suitable to his true nature.

Cheney didn't help with his Halliburton debacle (a company that skyrocketed in ranking for new no-bid contracts). Nor did he help with his energy policies to help his friends. Nor did his attempts to bully CIA personnel. He certainly does not seem like a happy kind of guy does he?

Neither did the Neo-Con-Artists in the Pentagon help. They really screwed Bush over, and all the intelligence mismanagement and money shenanigans that continues to steal billions from tax payers with very questionable no-bid contracts, and "much" unaccounted monies. Talk about a conspiracy theory! Who was that bank embezzler, Chalabi, really working for? Where was that bad intelligence really coming from?

Never has America seen so many military officers, and even intelligence people, speak out against the insanity of it all. And this is not insubordination like the stiff necks at the WSJ think (not by principle). There is something seriously wrong when even Patrick Buchanan writes a scathing tirade (as new book) against the ignoramuses of this administration. How can they presume respect from anyone but the blind (and yes there are a lot of blind people here but the wool is slowly falling)?

Plus a supposed secretly connected campaign instigated, rather stupidly, to make a big deal about Kerry's tour of duty in Vietnam, when this administration (and top Pentagon officials) are themselves nothing but chicken-hawks and AWOL blowhards that wield paperwork and pens. Richard Pearl ought go to a boot camp--the pizza ice cream wimp that stepped down from the military advisor board--why? Profiteering like a criminal? In fact many of them should volunteer a year penitence of duty sitting in that notorious prison of Baghdad (with no air conditioning) to think about their incompetence. Will even the short memory span of Americans soon forget the shock, disaster, and hypocrisy of those photos taken there?

Then there's Ashcroft and his paternalistic mind of legalistic finagling. How much does he know about the U.S. Constitution? Not much. Did the FBI get cleaned up and efficient--according to what the media does print--no. No man who has "one" iota of honesty can look Americans in the face and say: "We (our administration) really did a great job and we deserve another four more years."

Even if Americans have their heads up their armpits most of the time they are not 100 % stupid (at least not all the time). Granted Bush has been more than capable of distorting the truth but he actually seemed to halfway believe what he said. He has this power of disassociation--but it came unglued this last Thursday. Hell for his short sighted ecological stances alone he ought spend a month in church praying for forgiveness. The man clearly deserves to be fired and he knows it.

Still the main stream media con men are still trying to desperately spin a "close" election with their infinite capacity to twist truth. Granted some main stream media people still manage to act as honest brokers but now days it seems the exception rather than the rule. For example they make a big shit about Dan Rather's minor story when they failed to investigate and report the truth prior to us going to war--in another words they project their guilt on a scapegoat, and then whine about their companies loosing market share to alternative forms of media. Aristotle supposedly said the greatest threat to the state was not “faction” but “distraction.” If one were to watch the new films “Outfoxed” (Murdock empire of Orson Wells), and “The Corporation” (criminal values allowed in laissez faire capitalism) [available at] you can begin to see how Corporate Media is being dominated like Congress is bought and sold.

Some of these connivers admit polling points were lost, but they ain't giving away much in their information war. The fact is several editors of main stream media absolutely abhor the idea of Americans thinking for themselves. The polls have been distorted (for example they do not poll millions of cell phone owners), and these pundits tell stories to their half dead readers with false numbers and opinions.

They think that if they can get people to believe that the race is close then they can still steal the election electronically. It took the big cheese, Bush himself, to say as he did so candidly as to be unreal: "No more--you voters are bailing me out."

Is Kerry a better choice? Yes and no. Neither party has a consistently logical and sane platform. Nobody with any sanity would even run for President. Neither party is trustworthy--as Congress is bought and sold. Neither party seems to be able to provide the leadership to tell Americans to tighten their belts. Six percent of the world's population uses supposedly thirty two percent of the world's resources and twenty five percent of the world's oil. Americans are spoiled and immature as people and there is no leadership in this country to point up some reality. Corporations decide the trends based on their quarterly earning reports. The character of the country is in trouble as the New World Disorder unravels.



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