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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

The Preppy vs the Dunce

When is choice not a choice a choice but an illusion? Coke or Pepsi, Kerry Cola or Bush Soda.

Anyone have any water?
Lets be serious can we?

George Bush is the wealthy son of a wealthy and powerful man (a president). A “recovering” drunk and he still tries to snort the powdered sugar off his donuts. Bush is the kind of guy who pours an entire can of lighter fluid on a gas grill then burns off his own eyelashes lighting it with a match. Bush spends his time chopping wood and riding his mountain bike around his ranch. Of course Bush falls off that bike and skins his hands then holds them up to show like a child, while his legal guardian Chenney runs the presidency. George W. Bush set records for the number of executions he ordered in Texas, then talks about human rights.

Bush is owned by Karl Rove, Rice, Asscroft, Wolfowitz, Powell, Rumsfeld and anyone else who controls the presidential pretzel jar (gag me with a pretzel). Bush is a blissfully ignorant simpleton. Georgie how about invading Iraq? The Neo-Cons have a new mountain bike for you. George Bush dodged the draft by getting a preferential appointment to the air national guard where he played top gun fighter jock in place of going to Vietnam. Now Bush the make believe fighter jock/cowboy sends other young men and women to war while playing president. If Bush were honest about being president he would say “wellll I dant know I guess I just lucky and stuff how bout some barbecue and then we can go for a nuculer mountain bike ride, if uncle Dick says its ok”. Georgie W. Bush would be the town drunk sleeping on the sidewalk and begging for spare change if it were not for his daddy.

Now for John Forbes kerry:

First off pay attention to his middle name it is very telling. Kerry is a member of the powerful connected Forbes and Winthrop clans/families. John Forbes Kerry is a 7 foot tall Ivy League Preppy, with more arrogance and money than common sense. Kerry looks like a wax caricature that has started to melt, and he actually believes nobody notices his botox or spray on tan. Kerry believes it is his right to be president if not Duke or King and how absurd it is that he must appeal to peasants and surfs (you) to gain the throne. Your mother should be on her knees with bucket and brush scrubbing the marlbe floors of Master Kerry’s estate!

Kerry is beholden to the corporate power structure. Yet Kerry camouflages himself as a progressive Senator and environmentalist. Then kerry gets on his private Gulf Stream Jet and jets between any of 5 massive estates around the US, to practice his Kite-surfing and snowboarding. Kerry has missed over 70% of Senate votes and doesn’t think it is any of your business, after all the rules don’t apply to master Kerry. Kerry has sponsored almost zero legislation in two decades, where the beef? Senator! Kerry bragged about owning a fleet of minivans and SUVs to auto-makers while in Detroit then three months later on earth-day denied owning any SUVs and blamed his wife for owning the fleet of SUVs (what a brave man). Kerry’s first wife from the well connected Thorne family divorced him after she fell into depression from loneliness when he ditched her back in Massachusetts while he partied it up on her bank account in DC, then she dumped him. Not even John Forbes Kerry knows where he stands on issues like NAFTA, WTO, War in Iraq, Patriot Act, No child left behind, new Alaskan pipelines(which he currently supports). Every time he opens his mealy mouth more fake crap pours out. Kerry has the personality of a stick of wood, the same stick that is up his royal butt.


Bush: pathetic, dunce, jock, cowboy.

Kerry: arrogant, patrician, cruel, faker.

Ps Do you know Teresa Heinz kerry’s full name? No kidding this is it.

Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry:

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