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forum: Should Progressives Vote for Nader in 2004?

The Bush administration is carrying out a war on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. The gap between rich and poor grows greater by the day as the administration vilifies gays and lesbians who simply want the right to marry. But you won’t hear much substantial debate on these between Bush and Kerry.
2:15pm, Saturday, October 9
A special forum at the 2004 MIDWEST SOCIALIST CONFERENCE:

BILL LINVILLE on "Should Progressives Vote for Ralph Nader in 2004?"

The Bush administration is carrying out a war on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. The gap between rich and poor grows greater by the day as the administration vilifies gays and lesbians who simply want the right to marry. But you won’t hear much substantial debate on these between Bush and Kerry. Kerry and Bush both oppose gay marriage. And they both want to continue the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

There is a candidate, Ralph Nader, who does offer an alternative on these issues and more. But why vote for a candidate who won’t win? And why support Nader this year, when—with the threat of another four years of Bush in the White House—there is so much at stake? Bill Linville, the Wisconsin State Coordinator of the 2004 Nader-Camejo campaign, discusses why progressives should vote for Ralph Nader in 2004.

Lincoln Hall, Chicago Circle Center
University of Illinois-Chicago, 750 S. Halsted

This forum is a part of the 2004 MIDWEST SOCIALIST CONFERENCE:
"War, poverty, oppression: Building a left alternative"


A day of discussion and debate on everything from "Should Progressives Vote for Ralph Nader?" to "America’s Hidden Labor History" and the "Struggle for Palestine."

Registration is $5.



"Can We Do Better Than "Anybody But Bush?"

WHAT: A forum on the 2004 election with…

PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO… a leading member of the California Green Party and is Ralph Nader’s running mate for Vice President in the 2004 Presidential Election. Camejo ran for Governor of California twice, receiving hundreds of thousands of votes. In 1976 he ran for President as a socialist, gaining ballot status in 30 states. He marched in Selma, Alabama with Martin Luther King and was active against the War in Vietnam.

ALAN MAASS… editor of Socialist Worker newspaper and author of The Case for Socialism, published by Haymarket Books.

WHEN AND WHERE: 7:30 pm, Sat., Oct. 9, Univ. of Illinois-Chicago, Circle Center Campus, Science Engineering South (SES), Room 250, 845 W. Taylor

Millions will go to the polls with the hopes of defeating the Bush agenda. Yet more and more it is hard to believe that John Kerry will represent much of a departure from that agenda. Certainly not as he defends his vote for the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq, despite Bush's lies. Are we stuck with "the lesser of two evils?"

Come to this discussion about the possibilities of building an independent, effective alternative to the Bush Agenda and whether "Anybody But Bush" is really the best we can do.

This forum is endorsed by the Northwestern University Greens, the Green Alliance, Pilsen Greens, Solidarity and UIC Students for Nader.

This forum is part of the 2004 Midwest Socialist Conference, sponsored by the International Socialist Organization.

For more information call 312-458-9380 or e-mail chicago_socialists (at)



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