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BTL:Defying President Bush, House Passes Legislation Overturning His...

...New Trade, Travel Restrictions on Cuba ~ Interview with Alvaro Fernandez, president of the Cuban American Commission for Family Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
Defying President Bush, House Passes Legislation Overturning His New Trade, Travel Restrictions on Cuba

Interview with Alvaro Fernandez, president of the Cuban American Commission for Family Rights, conducted by Denise Manzari

On Sept. 21, several Cuba-related amendments were introduced in the House of Representatives that would lift the new trade and travel sanctions recently imposed by the Bush administration. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), offered an amendent to end restrictions on financing for agricultural and medical sales to Cuba and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) introduced a measure to end restrictions on educational exchanges with the island nation. After some debate, both amendments were passed on a voice vote.

Rep. Jim Davis (D-Fla.) introduced an amendment to the Transportation-Treasury Appropriation bill calling for an end to funding for enforcement of the harsh new travel restrictions on Cuban-Americans. The bill passed 225-174. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) passionately called for a complete end to the U.S. embargo against Cuba, which was ultimately defeated by a vote of 225-188. Legislation now moves to a House-Senate conference committee where these successes have often reached a dead-end.

After the new travel restrictions were passed on June 30 of this year, 14 Cuban-Americans got together and formed the Cuban American Commission for Family Rights based in Miami. Between The Lines' Denise Manzari spoke with Alvaro Fernandez, president of the group who says that more work is needed to finally overturn the 45-year-old U.S. embargo against Cuba.

For more information on the Cuban American Commission on Family Rights, visit

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