DATE: Tuesday, October 5
TIME: 6PM Rally (NOTE -- time has been changed to 6PM from 6:30pm, please arrive early, 7:00-9:00pm Open Forum
LOCATION: Senn High School, 5900 N. Glenwood Ave, Chicago
Students, parents, teachers and concerned members of the Senn High School community are asking for support from Chicago's peace and justice community in their struggle to SAVE SENN. Senn is being targeted for transformation from a thriving community high school to a selective enrollment Naval Academy as part of the controversial Renaissance 2010 Project. We only have a matter of days before this decision is finalized so it's imperative that we send a strong message to Arne Duncan, CEO of Chicago Public Schools, and Alderwoman Mary Ann Smith who embraced this proposal without first consulting the community.
Please spread the word as widely as possible and mobilize as many supporters as you can to come out on Tuesday evening. We need people at the rally preceeding the open forum and we also need to pack the auditorium (seats 1200) with as many supporters as possible. Please help us prevent the hostile takeover of our school and community.
For additional information on the specifics of the proposed transformation and how it will impact the school and community please visit
savesenn.org/ or email
info (at) savesenn.org.