All activities are in Chicago, unless otherwise noted. Out of town events are advertised ONLY if sponsors/endorsers are organizing publicly accessible transportation from the Chicago area.
DON'T see your item listed?!? Don't let us make that mistake again! Please send your calendar listing to
CCAWR (at) with the subject heading "CALENDAR."
ONGOING - 24/7 Union Picket - Support the Congress Hotel Strikers! Congress Hotel, 520 S. Michigan. Sponsor: HERE Local 1. Info:
ONGOING - "Silver City," John Sayles' drama about a right wing candidate. Fiction mimics reality. Landmark Cinema, Clark & Diversey. Info:
Thursday, September 30 - Come to hear the decision on DNA in the case of Harold Hill Dan, a wrongfully convicted man who spent 17 years in prison. 9 am, 26th & California (room location will be noted on list in the lobby).
Thursday, September 30 - Free Darrell Cannon! Cannon is a police torture victim who remains incarcerated. Hear Prof Lance Williams, Robin Hobley, Mildred Henry, Kilroy Watkins, Carolyn Wiggins, Marcus Wiggins, and Ester Ohiku. 7 pm, Christian Hope Church, 8849 S. Greenwood. Torture victim remains incarcerated. Hear Attorney Locke Bowman, Penny Crowder, Fiancé of Darrell Canon. Sponsor: Enough is Enough! Info: 773. 643.4078 or
enoughisenoughcampaign (at)
Thursday, September 30 thru Friday, October 1 - "Sustainable Communities: Learning From the Dutch Experience," a symposium on green design, environmental safety, public policy, more. IIT HUB-Center, 3300 S. Federal. Info:
Thursday, September 30 thru Saturday, October 2 - "We've Come Undone," monologues inspired by stories from Arab, Muslim American and South Asian communities. Written and performed by Kayhan Irani. Athenaeum Theater, 2936 N. Southport. Info:
Thursday, September 30 thru Sunday, October 3 - "We've Come Undone," m onologues inspired by stories from Arab, Muslim American and South Asian communities, written and performed by Kayhan Irani. Athenaeum Theater, 2936 N. Southport. Info:
Friday, October 1 - "The Battle of Algiers," Gillo Pontecorvo's gripping 1965 drama of the anti-colonial movement in Algeria. Block Cinema, Northwestern University. Info:
Friday, October 1 - Monthly meeting of the Industrial Workers of the World. 7 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western.
Friday, October 1 - Opening of Theater Oobleck's "The Passion of the Bush: An Election Show." Chicago's pre-eminent political theater company presents its fourth quadrennial election show, which follows the fate of Bush & Cheney from Troy to Calgary. Cameo appearances by John Kerry and Mel Gibson! Shows thru November 1st on Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, and Sundays at 7pm, with a Special Election Eve Show, Monday Nov 1 at 7 pm! At The Viaduct, 3111 N. Western Avenue. $10 suggested donation, more if you got it, free if you're broke. Info: 773.347.1041
Friday, October 1 - Anti-Bush Rally, 3 pm, Lombard, Illinois's Lilacia Park, sponsored by Students for a Progressive Society. 3:30 pm - speakers, 4 pm - march to Main St. and St. Charles in Lombard, with a rally until about 5:30 pm. 5:30 pm - take train to Villa Park and march to downtown Villa Park. 6-7 pm - rally in Villa Park. For directions go to Yahoo maps and type in Parkside and Main St. as your destination (Lilacia Park is just west of that intersection
Friday, October 1 - Whoopi in Chicago. We received word today that this show is CANCELLED.
Friday, October 1 thru Thursday, October 7 - "Tying the Knot," Jim de Sève's documentary on gay couples' struggle for marriage rights. Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport.
Friday, October 1 thru Monday, November 1 - "The Passion of the Bush: An Election Show." Theater Oobleck's production follows the fate of Bush and Cheney from Troy to Calgary, with cameos by John Kerry and Mel Gibson! Viaduct Theatre, 3111 N. Western. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm; Sundays at 7pm. Special pre-election show, 7 pm, Monday, November 1. Info: 773.347.1041
Saturday, October 2 - 6th Annual Matthew Shepard March. Because rights are not given, they are WON. Rally, 8 pm, Halsted Street and Roscoe Avenue, followed by a march. Co-sponsored by the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network and Equal Marriage NOW! This year's theme is "DEMAND Legal Equality. DEMAND Marriage Equality." Info:
CABNstopthehate (at), 888.471.0874 or
Saturday, October 2 - "Making History/Creating Community," Gerber/Hart Library's annual autumn benefit. 7 pm - 11 pm, Swedish American Museum Center, 5211 N. Clark Street. Pioneering LGBT historian John D'Emilio will be the keynote speaker. Tickets are $75 and $125. Info: 773.381.8030
Saturday, October 2 - Testimonial dinner honoring Perry Cartwright. 6:30 pm, Reza's Restaurant, 432 W. Ontario Street. Perry Cartwright is a lifelong socialist. He has been a World War II R.A.F. combat pilot and U.S. Air Force pilot, a civil rights activist in the American south in the 1950s, and a supporter of the Midwest Radical Scholars and Activists Conference 1989 - 1997. Dinner initiated by Open University of the Left and co-sponsored by Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter and Networking for Democracy. No tickets beforehand. We'll order from the menu and chip in for Perry. For more info and to RSVP, contact Open University of the Left at
oulchicago (at)
Saturday, October 2 - "Queering Culture," films and videos by Jorg Fockele. 7 pm, Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark. Filmaker will be in the house. Info:
Saturday, October 2 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. 1-4 pm, SpareRoom, 2416 W. North Avenue (Humboldt Park). Guest speaker Earl Silbar, union organizer at 3 pm. Sponsored by Anti Gravity Surprise. Info:
Saturday, October 2 - President of the American Library Association Carol A. Brey-Casiano speaks on "Libraries and Free Speech." 11 am, Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
Saturday, October 2 - Salman Rushdie, Pat Schroeder, Mitchell Kaplan and Carla Hayden protest against the USA PATRIOT Act at 11 am on Book-TV, C-SPAN2, cable TV.
Saturday, October 2 - "Read-Out: The American Library Association's 23rd Annual Banned Books Readings." 12:30 pm, Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton. Hear Sara Paretsky & other authors read from banned books
Saturday, October 2 thru Sunday, October 31 - Festival of films from Iran. Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State. Info:
Sunday, October 3 - Neighbors for Peace free film screenings of "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism" and "Amy Goodman: Independent Media In A Time of War." 2 pm, Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Ave, Evanston, IL. Info:,
info (at), or 847.289.7253
Sunday, October 3 - Salman Rushdie, Pat Schroeder, Mitchell Kaplan and Carla Hayden protest against the USA PATRIOT Act at 7:30 am on Book-TV, C-SPAN2, cable TV
Sunday, October 3 - Confront the "Pro-life" Action League bigots! Stand up for womens rights. Sponsored by Refuse & Resist! Info:
collectivistleftist (at)
Sunday, October 3 - National Lawyers Guild - Chicago annual dinner, including a tribute to NLG member Chick Hoffman for his dedicated work against the death penalty. Cocktails/appetizers, 5 pm. Dinner, 6:30 pm, Irish-American Heritage Center, 4626 N. Knox Avenue. Wheelchair accessible, on-site parking available. Regular tickets, $75; student rate, $35; tables of 8, $550. Make checks payable to: National Lawyers Guild--Chicago Chapter. Tickets are available at the door
Sunday, October 3 - South Siders for Peace presents "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism." 4-6 pm, World Folk Music Co., 1808 W. 103rd St. Info: or 708.423.6392.
Sunday, October 3 - "Break the Gridlock 5th Annual Conference Overcoming Chicago Car Dependency." Noon - 4 pm, Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park. Info:
Sunday, October 3 - See two films, "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" and "Amy Goodman: Independent Media in a Time of War." 2 pm, Evanston library, 1703 Orrington, Evanston. Info: or
info (at)
Sunday, October 3 - Hear Mairead Corrgan Maguire, Irish peace activist and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient. 3 pm, St. Francis Xavier Church, 549 - 9th Ave, Wilmette, Illinois. Sponsor: North Suburban Peace Initiative. Info: 847.256.4250
Monday, October 4 -Tuesday, October 5 - Folksinger David Rovics in concert. 7 pm, Monday at the Holmes Student Center, NIU DeKalb. 8 pm, Tuesday at the Heartland Café, 7000 N. Glenwood
Tuesday, October 5 - Rally and open forum to save Senn High School. Students, parents, teachers and concerned members of the Senn High School community are asking for support from Chicago's peace and justice community in their struggle to SAVE SENN. Senn is being targeted for transformation into a selective enrollment Naval Academy as part of the controversial Renaissance 2010 Project. We only have a matter of weeks before this decision is finalized so it's imperative that we send a strong message to Arnie Duncan, CEO of Chicago Public Schools, and Alderman Mary Ann Smith. Please spread the word and help us prevent the hostile takeover of our school and community. 6:30 pm, rally; 7-9 pm, open forum, at Senn High School, 5900 N. Glenwood Ave. Info:
savesenn (at)
Tuesday, October 5 - Nancy Mullen, MSW and Lori Fox will discuss the Questioning Youth Center at the next meeting of the Illinois Gender Advocates, 7:30 pm, New Spirit MCC Church, 542 S. Scoville Avenue, Oak Park.
Tuesday, October 5 - George Chauncey discusses his new book, "Why Marriage?: The History Shaping Today's Debate Over Gay Equality." Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Pat Logue will provide an update on marriage litigation. Chauncey is Professor of American History at the University of Chicago and the author of "Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940," which won a distinguished Turner and Curti Award, Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and the Lambda Literary Award. Cosponsored by Lambda Legal and the University of Chicago Lesbian and Gay Studies Project. 7 pm, Borders Books, 830 N. Michigan. Info:
jason.brantley (at), 212.340.8164 or 312.573.0564.
Wednesday, October 6 - "The Real Face of the Occupation." Coordinators Jacquie Soohen and Brandon Jourdan explore how the U.S. military occupation looks from the other end of the gun barrel. Was Abu Ghraib an exception or merely an extreme? How has Iraq changed since the fall of Saddam Hussein? What is life like under occupation? On-the-ground footage shows the humiliation and dehumanization inevitable in a colonial situation. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Wednesday, October 6 - National Day for the Detained and Disappeared in Colombia. 5:30 pm, St. Augustine College, 1333 W. Argyle. Info:
Wednesday, October 6 - Anti-Violence Awareness Candlelight Vigil. The LGBT community and our allies will gather at the new Center on Halsted site to raise awareness of LGBT violence issues. Survivors of violence, activists and performance artists will lead us in a participatory event to remember all those whose lives we have lost to violence and to celebrate those of us who have survived. 7-8 pm, Center On Halsted new space at 3640 N. Halsted. Info: Lisa Tonna Manager of Advocacy and Legislative Affairs, 773.472.6469 ext. 224
Wednesday, October 6 - National Day for the Detained and Disappeared in Colobia. 5:30 pm, St. Augustine College, 1333 W. Argyle. Info:
Wednesday, October 6 - The Three Arts Club of Chicago is proud to kick off the 14th season of 3Arts Jazz with Bobbi Wilsyn & SHE. SHE is an all-female jazz combo featuring: Sarah Allen on drums, Kelly Brand on piano, Audrey Morrison on trombone, Marlene Rosenberg on bass, and Juli Wood on the saxophone. 6:30 pm, doors and cash bar open at 6 pm. Call 312.944.6250 for tickets ($20 standard admission for one concert, $150 series admission for eight concerts).
Thursday, October 7 - Day after the elections demonstration planning meeting. No matter who wins the elections, we oppose the Iraq war, and demand immediate withdrawal of US troops. 6:30 pm, 2502 W. Division, West Town Law Office. Sponsor: Peace Pledge Chicago
Thursday, October 7 - Hugh Iglarsh on "Reading the Constitution" and Glenn Fritz on "Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the U.S." by Martin Van Buren. 7 pm, Acme Arts Center, 1741 N. Western Ave. $5 requested; pay what you can. Sponsor: Open University of the Left.
Thursday, October 7 - "Uncovered: The Truth About the Iraq War," film. 6:30 pm, Glen Ellyn Library, 400 Duane Street, Glen Ellyn, IL. Sponsor: DuPage Against War Now. Info:
Thursday, October 7 - The Northern Illinois University Labor Rights Alliance invites you to a FREE SPEECH ACTION. The right to petition and distribute literature on campus is confined to tiny area of campus, reminiscent of Berkeley in the early 1960s. Please join this petition and march to regain student campus rights. 1:30 pm at the Martin Luther King commons. The march will begin after 2 pm. Join the Labor Rights Alliance list serve at
LRA-NIU (at)
Thursday, October 7 - Teachers For Social Justice forum on "No Child Left Behind and Renaissance 2010." Speakers representing Teachers for Social Justice, PACT CTU Caucus, Neighborhood Capital Budget Group, Mid-South Organizers Opposed to Renaissance 2010, others. 4-6 pm, Inter-American Magnet School, 919 W Barry. Info: or 773.325.4352
Friday, October 8 - ZAM's Hope 4th Annual Dinner at Biagio Banquet, 4242 N. Central Ave. 7 pm sharp. ZAM's Hope Community Resource Center, 6401 N. Artesian Ave. Info: 773.719.9267
Friday, October 8 - Court date for community activist and former death row inmate Aaron Patterson. To get a seat in the courtroom, be there early. Court starts at 9:30 am, Dirkson Federal Building, 219 S. Dearborn. You must have photo ID to get into the courtroom.
Friday, October 8 - Chicago Anti-Bashing Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago.
Friday, October 8 - "Vote Results Vulnerabilities: Fixes for November 2004." Video and discussion. 7:20 pm, Unitarian Church, 4 S 535 Old Naperville Road. Sponsor: DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition. Info: 630.420.4233
Friday, October 8 - Hear Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness. 7:30 pm, St. Luke's Church, 939 Hinman, Evanston
Friday, October 8 thru Thursday, October 14 - "Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train," Deb Ellis and Denis Mueller's new documentary on the historian & activist. Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State. Info:
Saturday, October 9 - "Neocon Lite" with Leon Bailey's Critique of Brooks' "Bobos in Paradise." Time to be announced, Acme Arts Center, 1741 N. Western Ave. $5 requested; pay what you can. Sponsor: Open University of the Left.
Saturday, October 9 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. 1-4 pm, Mess Hall, 6932 N. Glenwood Avenue (Rogers Park). Guest speaker Elvira Arellano, immigrant-rights activist, at 3 pm. Sponsored by Anti Gravity Surprise. Info:
Saturday, October 9 - Chicago Earth Charter Community Summit. Hear Kathy Kelly of Voices In The Wilderness, others. 9 am-3 pm, Unity Church, 1925 W. Thome. Info:
Saturday, October 9 - Aaron Patterson Day of Appreciation. Host: Bishop Jackson. 3 pm - 7 pm, Beth-El All Nations Church, 6250 S. Justine. Issues for discussion include Project Safe Neighborhood, the framing of Aaron Patterson, and our community on Lockdown. Speakers include Ra Chaka of the Prison Releif Foundation, Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Black Autonomy of Community Organizers; Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr., Political Prisoners of Conscience Community Ephriam Ben Pphriam, New Black Panther Party, Chicago, Mark Carter, V.O.T.E. for hip holitics. Sponsored by the Free Aaron Patterson / Chicago3 Defense Community, c/o Prisoners of Conscience Committee, P.O. Box 368255, Chicago, IL 60632
Saturday, October 9 - "2004 Midwest Socialist Conference: War, Poverty, Oppression...building a left alternative" sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. 11 am, University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted. Workshops and sessions include: "Debate: Should Progressives Vote For Nader?" "The Fight for Immigrants' Rights: No Human Being Is Illegal," "From Stonewall to Gay Marriage: The Fight for Equal Rights," "Will They bring back the draft?," "Why We Need A Revolutionary Party," "The Origins of Racism," "State and Revolution in Latin America," "Organizing the Unorganized: America's Hidden Labor History," "No Recovery For Workers: Where is the Economy Headed?," "The Occupation of Iraq: The Case for Withdrawal," "Marxism and Elections," "Socialism and the Fight for Women's Liberation," "The Fight Against U.S. Imperialism." Workshops and sessions are subject to change. Pre-registration, $5. Child care available. After the Midwest Socialist Conference attend a rally with vice presidential candidate Peter Camejo to support independent antiwar presidential candidate Ralph Nader, 7:30 pm. Info:, 312.458.9380 or
chicago_socialists (at)
Sunday, October 10 - Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area invites you to a special performance of "Words of Choice", a series of theatrical shorts about a woman's right to choose. They are stories from the heart: humorous and serious, poignant and riveting, from theater, spoken word, comedy, poetry, oral history and journalism. A discussion about choice, led by Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area staff, will immediately follow the performance. Tickets for the 3 pm matinee performance are available online, and all proceeds will benefit Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area programs and services. Call Laurie at 312.592.6838 for reservation information. Seating at the Las Manos Gallery is limited, so be sure to reserve your tickets now! Tickets: $35 and $25 ($10 for students).
Sunday, October 10 - Hear Iraq Veterans Against the War founder Rob Sarra. 10 am, Third Unitarian Church, 301 N. Mayfield. Hear this US Marine's eyewitness report. Info: 773.626.9385
Sunday, October 10 - "Women and Social Justice Movements in Song," with Eileen Censotti. 10:30 am, Ethical Humanist Society, 7574 N. Lincoln. Coffee hour follows. Info: 847-677-3334 or
Sunday, October 10 - Hear Dr. Helen Caldicott, author and anti-nuclear power activist. 3:30 pm, Peace Museum, 100 N. Central Park. Info: 773.638.6450 or
Monday, October 11 & Tuesday, October 12 - The Northern Illinois University Law School Amnesty International Chapter presents its "Wheels of Justice Tour," with speakers/first-hand witness reports on Iraq, international policy, and human rights. Swen Parsons Hall on Oct. 11 (TBA) and Oct. 12 @ 4pm (location t.b.a.). For info, email
niu_amnesty (at) or go to
Monday, October 11 - "The Human Face Behind the Sweatshops: Bangladesh Workers' Tour." 7 pm, Alumni Hall, Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 N. St. Louis. Info:
Tuesday, October 12 - "The Human Face Behind the Sweatshops: Bangladesh Workers' Tour." 8 - 9:30 am, Alumni Hall, Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 N. St. Louis. Info: Info:
Tuesday, October 12 - Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), 2nd floor "Heritage Room." Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail
CCAWR (at) for information.
Tuesday, October 12 - The DeKalb Interfaith Network presents "Outfoxed," a movie about media manipulation. 6 pm potluck, 7 pm film showing at Patrick's, corner of Annie Glidden & Rich, DeKalb, Illinois. Info:
dekalbinterfaithnetwork (at) or
niupeace (at)
Tuesday, October 12 - "Franz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask," Isaac Julien's 1996 documentary on anti-colonial activist and theorist Franz Fanon. University of Chicago's Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th Street. Info: 773.702.8574
Tuesday, October 12 - "Tomorrow's Generation's Role in the Politics of Today," with DePaul Professor Molly Andolina. 7 pm, HotHouse, 31 E. Balbo. Info: 312.362.9707 or
Wednesday, October 13 - "Hidden in Plain Sight," a documentary about the School of the Americas and the struggle to close it permanently. Part of the progressive film series held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, co-sponsored by Chicago Indymedia and Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashland. 7-9pm. $2 donation requested at the door. Info:
drlora (at)
Wednesday, October 13 - "Dance of Death." Coordinator Mark Read looks at the American military in Iraq: lambs led to slaughter or centurions for the Empire? Either way, U.S. troops are locked in a deadly interaction with the people of Iraq. Being a soldier isn't like an "Army of One" ad on MTV. Soldiers and their families speak out against the war, and for their lost loved ones. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Thursday, October 14 - Radical cheerleaders tryouts. Open meeting and potluck. 6:30 pm. Info:
radicalcheers (at)
Thursday, October 14 - Northern Illinois University's United Campus Ministries presents a candlelight "Stop the Hate Vigil" against hate violence. 7 pm, UCM building (next to parking garage).
Thursday, October 14 - This is your Last Chance before the 2004 presidential elections to learn the truth about the U.S.'s illegal, pre-emptive attack on Iraq. Sponsored by the Progressive republican Neoconservative Caucus (PrNC), the film "Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War" will screen once again at 7 pm, followed by a discussion. Admission and refreshments are absolutely free, so bring a right-wing friend and automatically become an honorary member of the PrNC! with all concommitant perks. The program will be held at (but is in no way, manner or form sponsored by) the LaGrange Park Library, 555 N. LaGrange Road, downstairs in the community room. Info:
navesel (at) or call Nadine, 708.588.0583.
Friday, October 15 - National conference on "Nuclear Power and Children's Health," a two-day symposium on current issues and findings about the hazards of nuclear power and low-level radiation exposure. This conference (available online at ) is being conducted by internationally renown pediatrician and peace activist Dr. Helen Caldicott, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NSPI) of Washington, D.C. in cooperation with the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) of Washington, D.C.; and locally by the Chicago Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR-Chicago), North Suburban Peace Initiative (NSPI), and NEIS. It will be held at St. Scholastica Academy in West Rogers Park, Chicago. PSR was the co-winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, and Dr. Linus Pauling individually nominated Dr. Caldicott for the Prize. Dr. Caldicott also founded Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND), and is the author of numerous books exploring nuclear and environmental issues, the most recent of which is entitled The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex. This Conference comes at a time when the major utilities, heavily nuclear-reliant Exelon among them, still balk and actively work against the adoption of state or federal renewable energy legislation. · Exelon has announced plans to seek extended operation permission from federal regulators for its four aging Dresden and Quad Cities reactors, among the oldest, most decrepit and heavily fined reactors in the U.S., and seeks permission for an "early site permit" for the possible construction of new nuclear reactors in Illinois, sometime before 2010.· A cancer cluster is reported to exist in the area around the Dresden reactor, yet this is dismissed by public health officials and Exelon (a trained health care worker and mother of one child victim of this cancer cluster will report her experience at the Conference). Info:
neis (at) To register or for more info:
Friday, October 15 - "Patriot Acts" film. 7:30 pm, Citizen Advocacy Center, 238 N. York Road, Elmhurst, IL. Info:
Saturday, October 16 - "The Social Protest Novel in Chicago, 1930-1960," with author and historian Alan M. Wald. 9:30 am, Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton. Hear author & historian Alan M. Wald
Saturday, October 16 - ¡Abre Los Ojos! National Latino AIDS Awareness Day. Rally, 9:30-11:30 am, Harrison Park. Info:
Saturday, October 16 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. 1-4 pm, Links Hall, 3435 N. Sheffield Avenue (Lakeview). Guest speaker Netron Howard-Bernal, community health advocate, at 3 pm. Sponsored by Anti Gravity Surprise. Info:
Saturday, October 16 - ¡Abre los Ojos! National Latino AIDS Awareness Day. March, Forum, and Health Fair, 9:30-11:30 am. Concerned Latinos, people with HIV/AIDS, and agency representatives will march through the Pilsen neighborhood to raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS crisis in the Latino community. Participants will gather at St. Pius Church, 1900 S. Ashland, and march to Harrison Park where the forum and health fair will take place. Event hosted by Congressman Luis Gutierrez, the Chicago Department of Public Health, the Midwest Hispanic Health Coalition, and a local planning committee that includes AFC. Info: or call the Midwest Hispanic Health Coalition, 312.913.3001
Sunday October 17 - First annual fundraiser for the Young Women's Empowerment Project featuring Funkadesi and DJ Matt Fields. Martyr's, 3855 N. Lincoln Avenue. Doors open at 6 pm. Suggested donation: $10. Tickets may be purchased at the door or online at Info: 773.728.0127, x1, or
Sunday, October 17 - Rolling Thunder rally, 2 pm, Hyatt Regency, Chicago. Info:
niupeace (at)
Sunday, October 17 - Joan Baez in concert. 7 pm, McAninch Arts Center, College of DuPage. Info:
Sunday, October 17 - Benefit for the Young Women's Empowerment Project. Music by FUNKADESI and DJ Matt Fields. Martyr's, 3855 N. Lincoln. Info: 773.728.0127 and
Sunday, October 17 - Crop Walk. Join members of DAWN in the Great Prairie Trail Crop Walk 2004. The Great Prairie Trail Crop Walk raises money for 12 Dupage County food pantries and PADS ( homeless) shelters. Wear your Peace- Regime Change- or whatever t-shirts you wish to make a statement. 12 noon registration. Step off is at 1:30 pm, Lombard Commons Park at St. Charles Rd. and Grace. Please bring a can of food for the Food pantry). To sign up as a walker, to sponsor one, or for info: Sharon Reimer, 847.885.6250 or
GlenGirls (at)
Sunday, October 17 - Million Worker March On Washington D.C. A short list of some of the demands of the March: Universal healthcare for all people in America; A national living wage and minimum retirement benefits; Affordable housing and eliminating homelessness with guaranteed housing and jobs for all; Outlaw discrimination of all kinds. An injury to one is an injury to all; putting an end to both the criminalization of poverty and the prison-industrial complex; End Corporate America¹s war on Iraq; bring U.S. troops home now; Fund public education to provide our schools with state of the art facilities in every community. Call 773.913.6539 or email
chicagoworkermarch (at) to join in the organizing efforts. Sign up for the listserve by sending an email to:
chicagoworkermarch-subscribe (at) Info/resources: or
Tuesday, October 19 - The Northern Illinois University Women's Alliance sponsors a Take Back the Night rally and march against sexual abuse and violence. Specific time and place to be announced, but early word is that it will be at night and will begin at Greek Row. Info:
mollyinpink16 (at)
Wednesday, October 20 – The Nicaragua Solidarity Committee presents “Sandino Vive Video Theater,” featuring Open Video, “Let’s Go to New York and the RNC!” On August 29 the people filling the streets of New York in protest against the Republican National Convention made central Manhattan so congested that it took two hours for the march to stretch out enough for those at the end to start marching. Videomakers who shot footage of the week’s protests are invited to bring what they wish to show. It doesn't have to be titled or in the can; each presenter may have a 7-minute screening, or as audience determines. Following Open Video, watch “Venezuela Bolivariano Peoples Struggle in the Fourth World War.” Donations graciously accepted, $5-10. Help us build a video library and rent the projector. Also available straight from the Nicaragua campesino cooperative café, bean and ground. 7:30 pm at the Redline Tap, 7002 N. Glenwoood. Info: 773.973.6529 or
nscchicago (at)
Wednesday, October 20 - "National Insecurities." Coordinator Jason Da Silva looks at violence against immigrants, especially Arabs, including imprisonment without trial, especially for Muslims. Is the U.S. government fomenting fear to inflame racial and ethnic divisions? History repeats itself, as violence against immigrants and imprisonment without trial become routine. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Thursday, October 21 - Hugh Iglarsh discusses "Democracy" by Henry Adams. 7 pm, Acme Arts Center, 1741 N. Western Ave. $5 requested; pay what you can. Sponsor: Open University of the Left.
Friday, October 22 - Annual rally and march against police brutality sponsored by the October 22nd Coalition. Details to be announced.
Saturday, October 23 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. 1-4 pm, BuddY, 1542 N. Milwaukee Avenue (Wicker Park). Guest speaker to be announced. Sponsored by Anti Gravity Surprise. Info:
Tuesday, October 26 - Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), 2nd floor "Heritage Room." Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail
CCAWR (at) for information.
Tuesday, October 26 - "Fifteen Years of Health Care Justice Advocacy," the Campaign for Better Health Care's annual meeting celebrating the passage of the Health Care Justice Act. 9 am to 1 pm, Holiday Inn Mart Plaza, 350 N. Orleans Street. Tickets $50 (discounted and free tickets available). Info: 312.913.9449 or
mmccann (at) or
Wednesday, October 27 - "Holes in Heaven," a 2003 documentary about the HAARP system or the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. a secret program by the US government to manipulate global weather, alter ecosystems and knock out global communications. Part of the twice-monthly progressive film series co-sponsored by Chicago Indymedia and Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashland. This and other films in the series are screened every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, 7-9pm. $2 donation requested at the door. Info:
drlora (at)
Wednesday, October 27 - "Erasing Memory: The Cultural Destruction of Iraq." Coordinator: Suzy Salamy looks at the horrendous destruction of the museums and archives of Iraq, the oldest treasures of human civilization, in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Millennia of history were bombed, looted and destroyed, and with them the much of the memory and culture of Iraq. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Thursday, October 28 - Community forum on "Teen Dating Violence - the Real Deal from a Youth Perspective," sponsored by the Rogers Park Young Women's Action Team. 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Roger's Park Campus of Loyola University, Coffey Hall, McCormick Lounge, 1000 W. Sheridan Road. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join the YWAT as they share the results of their research about teen dating violence. YWAT spent the Spring of 2004 surveying their peers about their thoughts, experiences, and feelings about this very important social issue. Parking is available on campus for a fee. For more info and to RSVP call 773.274.5232, ext 18
Friday, October 29 - Critical Mass Bike Ride. 5:30 pm, Daley Plaza. Info:
Friday, October 29 - Cornel West speaking at Northeastern Illinois University. Details t.b.a. Info: 773.442.5449
Saturday, October 30 – Nicaragua Solidarity Committee’s annual Halloween Day of the Dead Salsa Dance! 9 pm, The Heartland Café, 7000 N. Glenwood. We expect this year's dance to be particularly high energy as the broad anti-war social justice movement has been places, from Miami to Chicago to the RNC. Besides Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, Housing and AIDS, from Haiti to Humboldt Park, people have continued in strong expression of solidarity on the many issues confronting us. We have a lot to share with one another and one of the best ways to build solidarity is to have a great time celebrating all we stand for. Groups need money, so we hold SALSA DANCES! We ask $10-15 per ticket, sliding scale, in advance. Tickets are $12-15 at the door. Info: 773.973.6529 or
nscchicago (at)
Saturday, October 30 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. 1-4 pm, Polvo Art Studio, 1458 W. 18th Street (Pilsen). Guest speaker Reverend Finley C. Campbell, anti-racism activist, at 3 pm. Sponsored by Anti Gravity Surprise. Info:
Tuesday, November 2 - "$ELECTION: Take Us To Your Leader," part of a series of public artworks throughout October to make and show election art, guest speakers, open discussions, and street performances, inviting people to share their thoughts on leadership and create art in the process. Election Night Extravaganza. 6 pm-close, Handlebar, 2311 W. North Avenue (Wicker Park). Performers include Mrs. Rao's Growl, Spunn, Dan Godston and Joel Wanek. 9:30 pm, music/poetry open mic. Info: or
Wednesday, November 3 - The Three Arts Club of Chicago presents the Yoko Noge Trio. Call 312.944.6250 for tickets ($20 standard admission for one concert, $150 series admission for eight concerts).
Wednesday, November 3 - "Standing with the Women of Iraq." Coordinators Persheng Vaziri, Larilyn Sanchez and Molly Fink ask what has the U.S. invasion and occupation meant for the women of Iraq? In this program their passionate statements of resistance are intercut with actions by Code Pink, Women in Black and others who have been at the forefront of protests against the war in the U.S. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Thursday, November 4 - Friday, November 5 - The Bankers are coming, the Bankers are coming! The elections are November 2nd, but the real, and unelected rulers are invading two days later! Hundreds of top-level bankers will meet at the Intercontinental Hotel to discuss the PATRIOT Act, Iraq, and the FTAA! On November 4th we will see the invasion of hundreds of unelectable, unaccountable, undesireable villains. A virtual army of vampires, only days after Halloween (and the election) will come to suck our poor dry, then flap away into the night. The Bankers Association for Finance & Trade ( will descend upon our city for their Annual Conference on International Finance. BAFT's Board of Directors includes top executives from CitiGroup, US Bancorp, Bank of America, and most of the other largest US bank corporations, and corporate membership includes major banks all over the world. Among those participating in the Annual Conferense are "over 225 senior bankers together with corporate executives and management of government agencies." What will they be doing at this Conference? Besides discussing free trade and international finance, focused workshops will discuss the PATRIOT Act, the US Port Authority and terrorism, the Trade Bank of Iraq & the Coalition Provisional Authority, and the FTAA. This is a call for all poor people, concerned persons, and vampireslayers to resist and harass rich white, well-dressed male vampires that may lurk near the Intercontinental Hotel on November 4th and 5th. We call for autonomous actions and all groups intrested to participate with this call as a part of the Beyond Voting campaign. The World Business Forum will converge on Chicago two weeks later, so let's give BAFT a preview of Chicago's resistance. Brought to you by the Exaggerated-Sense-Of-Self-Importance Collective,
nobaft (at)
Thursday, November 4 - Thursday, November 11 - Reeling : Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival. For schedule and ticket info, go to
Friday, November 5 - Chicago Anti-Bashing Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago.
Wednesday, November 10 - "The Art of Resistance." Coordinators Persheng Vaziri, Larilyn Sanchez and Molly Fink explore the growing impact of artists and cultural performances that have invigorated and enlivened resistance to America's imperial war on Iraq. Part of the weekly "Shocking & Awful" program series on CAN TV, Cable Channel 21 in Chicago, 11-11:30 pm. Info:
lduncan (at)
Thursday, November 11 - Veterans Day protest against the war in Iraq called by Vietnam Veterans Against the War. 11 am, corner of Wabash & Wacker, Chicago.
Saturday, November 13 - Sunday, November 14 - "We Can End the Death Penalty!," the Fourth Annual Convention of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty. Kent Hall, University of Chicago , 1020 E. 58th Street. Join family members, former death row prisoners, and activists to take a look at our movement, our victories, and our challenges. Activists from across the country will gather for two days of lively discussions, workshops and guest speakers. Speakers include: Dr. Barbara Ransby, noted historian and author of "Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision," speaking on "The Roots of the Civil Rights Movement: Lessons for Activists Today"; Billy Neal Moore, who spent almost 17 years on Georgia's death for the robbery-murder of a 77-year old man, speaking about the circumstances surrounding his crime and the question, "Should people be given second chances?"; Monique Matthews, sister of newly freed Louisiana death row prisoner Ryan Matthews, will tell about the years of struggle she and her family waged to save her brother from execution. Other special guests include: Shujaa Graham, former California death row prisoner; Darby Tillis, exonerated Illinois death row prisoner; Madison Hobley, pardoned Illinois death row prisoner; Sandra Reed, mother of Texas death row prisoner Rodney Reed; Gricelda Ceja, mother of fomer Illinois death row prisoner Raul Ceja, who is now serving a life sentence; and Mildred Henry, member of the Enough Is Enough Campaign, whose son is wrongfully imprisoned after being tortured by Chicago police. Registration is $45, with an additional $10 for the optional Saturday night dinner. A limited number of scholarships are available. Nearby, low-cost housing is also available. Info: 773.955.4841 or
Sunday, November 14 - The Arab American Action Network (AAAN) and the Palestine Humanitarian Aid Project (PHAP) present Marcel Khalife in concert. 7 pm, The Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Theater for Music and Dance, 205 E. Randolph Drive, in Chicago's Millennium Park. Lebanese musician Marcel Khalife is considered one of the greatest composers and masters of the oud, the fretless Arabic lute. Beyond the disciplined instrumental work, Kalife is most loved for his haunting and inspiring settings of Arab poetry, including that of Khalil Gibran and Mahmoud Darwish. Khalife is recognized for reshaping traditional Arab music by broadening the discipline of the oud, advancing its tradition as a solo instrument and creating works with greater breadth and richness of sound for multiple ouds. He is also considered one of the truly unique Arab nationalist musicians in the history of Arab music, as his lyrics strive and yearn for independence, self-determination, peace, and justice for the Palestinians, the Arabs, and oppressed people everywhere. Tickets are $25, $50, and $100. Proceeds from the concert will go to support the AAAN's community-based social service, organizing, advocacy, and arts and cultural work, and to help build a mobile, medical unit for the Palestinians in the West Bank. You can purchase tickets from the Harris Center box office, 312.334.7777, or by contacting the Arab American Action Network, 773.436.6060. More info:
Sunday, November 14 - Winter Standown for Homeless Veterans, Humboldt Park. Info:
Wednesday, November 17 - Equal Marriage NOW! protest for equal marriage rights on the 6 month anniversary of the beginning of equal marriage in Massachusetts. 12 noon, County Clerk's Office, 120 N. Clark Street, Chicago (across the street from Daley Plaza).
Friday, November 19 - Sunday, November 21 - Close the School of the Americas, United States military's terrorist training camp in Ft. Benning, GA. Info: or 8th Day Center for Justice, 312.641.5151.
Friday & Saturday, November 19 & 20. Anime Sound & Vision is an event featuring the "Crazy 88's" from the "Kill Bill" movie, as well as Japanese martial artists, traditional dancers and musicians to promote Japanese culture through Japanese anime. The event will be held at the Holiday Inn O'Hare in Rosemont, IL. For more details and pre-registration see
Friday, November 26 - Critical Mass Bike Ride. 5:30 pm, Daley Plaza. Info:
On-Going Events:
Daily, 7-9 am - Democracy Now! is now in Chicago! Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and their guests are a daily independent source of news on matters like the occupation of Iraq. WZRD, 88.3 FM
Mondays thru Fridays, 3:45 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WZRD 88.3 FM
Mondays thru Fridays, 6 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WLUW 88.7 FM.
Mondays, 6 pm - Peace Pledge Chicago meetings, 2502 W. Division.
Mondays, 7-9 pm - Twice-monthly meeting (1st and 3rd Mondays) of Andersonville Neighbors for Peace, at North Shore Baptist Church, 5242 N. Lakewood, room 131 (Lakewood is three blocks east of Clark, and the church is one block north of Foster).
Mondays - First Mondays of each month. Department of Peace Coalition meetings. 7 pm, Thomas Ford Library, 800 Chestnut, Western Springs. (
MarjorieZ (at)
Tuesdays, 8 am - Silent Presence for Peace at the Federal Building - Peace Vigil, Federal Plaza, Dearborn & Jackson. 8th Day Center for Justice: 312.641.5151
Tuesdays, 9 am - noon. Progressive radio show on WZRD-FM, 88.3 FM
Tuesdays, 6-7 pm - Weekly protest against the occupation of Iraq, northwest corner of 95th and Western Ave. Proceeds the weekly 7:30 pm meeting of South Siders for Peace at the Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S. Longwood Dr, Chicago. Info:
lswolf (at)
Tuesdays, 7 pm - (2nd & 4th of each month) Hyde Park Committee Against War and Racism weekly meeting at University Church, 57th and University, Chicago. Info:
Wednesdays, 3 pm - Food Not Bombs: Meals for the Hungry. Loyola El Station.
NEW!! -- Thursdays, 1:30 pm – “The Ministry of Truth,” a weekly haven for left-wing thought and comment with Chicago Media Action’s Mitchell Szczepanczyk. WHPK 88.5-FM radio. Info:
msszczep (at) or
Thursdays, 5-6 pm - "Party from Damascus" radio program on WHPK, 88.5 FM. Politics plus Arab music - shaabi, pop, dabke, khaleeji and MORE!
Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 pm - Neighbors for Peace weekly meeting. St. Nicholas Church, 806 Ridge Ave. Evanston (3 blocks west of the Main St. 'L' station).
Thursdays, 7 pm - Southside Slam. Open Mics at N'diga Coffee & Books, 3510 W. 63rd Street. List opens at 6 pm, performances begin at 7 pm. Bring a gently used book and get in free ($2 otherwise, performers free, no cookbooks please). Non-smoking, children friendly environment. Info: 773.925.2517
Thursdays, 9 pm - Homolatee, Queer Words and Music, hosted by Scott Free. No Exit Café, 6970 N. Glenwood.
Every last Saturday of the month - Waukegan Food-not-Bombs will be serving vegetarian and vegan food to all those who wish to eat at Jack Benny Plaza in downtown Waukegan. People who can bring or donate food are highly appreciated, but the most important thing is your stomach and your sense of social justice. Please contact the RedAlert Collective for more info. or
redalertcollective36 (at)
Saturdays, 5 pm - Food Not Bombs serving at 18th Street and Loomis.
Saturdays, 9 am - "This Is Hell" irreverent radio show. WNUR 89.3-FM. Info:
Saturdays, 9 am - "Live from the Heartland" progressive radio show. WLUW 88.7-FM. Info:
Sundays, 1:00-2:45 pm - Food Not Bombs serving free vegetarian meals to the hungry @ corner of Lincoln and Fullerton.
Sundays, Noon-1 pm - Not In My Name weekly vigil: End Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip & East Jerusalem. Water Tower Place, 830 N. Michigan. For more info, go to
Emergency Response Plan to War & Racism
Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
1. If the U.S. starts another full scale war on another country besides Iraq, a protest will take place at 5 pm+ at the Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn Streets, Chicago, the day the bombing begins. There will be a larger follow up protest at the same time & place the day after.
2. In the event of a provocative attack on community leaders or organizations in the Chicago area, CCAWR has constructed a phone tree to mobilize the community to quickly protest the attack, whether at a police station, federal government office, or other appropriate place. To get on the Emergency Response phone tree / e-mail list and receive regular calendar updates such as this one, send your contact information to
CCAWR (at)
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
CCAWR (at), 312.458.9559, 888.471.0874,