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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education

Teachers for Social Justice forum on No Child Left Behind and Renaissance 2010

Chicago Teachers for Social Justice is holding a School-Community forum on No Child Left Behind as well as Daley's pet Renaissance 2010...
School-Community Forum on NCLB & Renaissance 2010
Inter-American Magnet School
919 West Barry Ave.**

Thursday, Oct 7, 4-6PM
Free Admission
Panel and Open Discussion

Initial speakers include representatives from:

Teachers for Social Justice
PACT (CTU Caucus, Debbie Lynch's administration)
Neighborhood Capital Budget Group
Mid-South Organizers opposed to Renaissance 2010 (not confirmed)

** Barry is two blocks south of Belmont, Inter-American is just East of Sheffield (Red/Brown/Purple El). The Belmont El stop is very close.

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Teachers for Social Justice Chicago
teachersforjustice (at)



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