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Police Torture Victim Darrell Cannon Railroaded Back to Prison: Speakers Include: Locke Bowman, Director MacArthur Justice Center, Penny Crowder, Darrell's Fiance, Professor Lance Williams, Inner City Studies


In spite of the fact that Darrell Cannon is serving life sentence on the basis of a false confession that was tortured out of him with an electric cattle prod to his genitals and severe beating by veteran Chicago Police Detectives Michael Bosco, Daniel McWeeny, Peter Dignan, John Byrne and now diseased, Detective Yucatis, and in spite of the fact that Prosecutors made a deal with Cannon back in 2001 that guaranteed his release from prison in 2003, the Parole Board has decided that he should remain behind bars indefinitely. One of Cannon’s attorney’s Locke Bowman said that it is outrageous that the Board would rule that this overwhelming evidence of torture is somehow irrelevant. Without the forced confession, “what do you have left? Nothing…” Today, Cannon is back at Tamms Super maximum Facility, hoping that those of us out hear will cry out loud and hard enough to shake the rafters of whatever ceiling of justice remains above us.

Please Attend a Forum
Thursday 7PM, Sept., 30
8849 South Greenwood, Christian Hope Church


Attorney Locke Bowman
Director Macarthur Center for Justice
Penny Crowder
Fiancé Darrell Canon
Professor Lance Williams
Inner City Studies
Robin Hobley
CEO Hobley Foundation, sister of Madison Hobley, Death Row 10
Mildred Henry
Mother Boudreau victim, Kilroy Watkins,
Vice President Enough is Enough! Campaign
Carolyn Wiggins
Mother, Burge victim, Marcus Wiggins,
Membership Coordinator, Steering Committee, Enough is Enough! Campaign
Ester Ohiku
Friend Wrongfully Convicted, Harold Hill

CHAIR: Kenosha Washington, Steering Committee, EIE

Sponsored by Enough is Enough! Campaign
For the Chicago Police Torture Victims, The Wrongfully Convicted/Incarcerated
and all others railroaded by Illinois racist criminal justice system
(773) 643-4078 PO Box 377535 Chicago, IL 60637, enoughisenoughcampaign (at)

In spite of the fact that Darrell Cannon is serving life sentence on the basis of a false confession that was tortured out of him with an electric cattle prod to his genitals and severe beating by veteran Chicago Police Detectives Michael Bosco, Daniel McWeeny, Peter Dignan, John Byrne and now diseased, Detective Yucatis, and in spite of the fact that Prosecutors made a deal with Cannon back in 2001 that guaranteed his release from prison in 2003, the Parole Board has decided that he should remain behind bars indefinitely. One of Cannon’s attorney’s Locke Bowman said that it is outrageous that the Board would rule that this overwhelming evidence of torture is somehow irrelevant. Without the forced confession, “what do you have left? Nothing…” Today, Cannon is back at Tamms Super maximum Facility, hoping that those of us out hear will cry out loud and hard enough to shake the rafters of whatever ceiling of justice remains above us.

Please Attend a Forum
Thursday 7PM, Sept., 30
8849 South Greenwood, Christian Hope Church


Attorney Locke Bowman
Director Macarthur Center for Justice
Penny Crowder
Fiancé Darrell Canon
Professor Lance Williams
Inner City Studies
Robin Hobley
CEO Hobley Foundation, sister of Madison Hobley, Death Row 10
Mildred Henry
Mother Boudreau victim, Kilroy Watkins,
Vice President Enough is Enough! Campaign
Carolyn Wiggins
Mother, Burge victim, Marcus Wiggins,
Membership Coordinator, Steering Committee, Enough is Enough! Campaign
Ester Ohiku
Friend Wrongfully Convicted, Harold Hill

CHAIR: Kenosha Washington, Steering Committee, EIE

Sponsored by Enough is Enough! Campaign
For the Chicago Police Torture Victims, The Wrongfully Convicted/Incarcerated
and all others railroaded by Illinois racist criminal justice system
(773) 643-4078 PO Box 377535 Chicago, IL 60637, enoughisenoughcampaign (at)



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