After selling the fairy tale of rebuilding Iraq with Iraq's own oil money and then modifying the fairy tale in order to get funding for rebuilding Iraq out of Congress and the American people and then flushing the money down no bid contract Wabit holes to companies like Halliburton and Bechtel who's book keeping resembles that of Mad Hatter Wabits rather than professional sevice firms - the Bush regime has decided to modify or should I say mutate the warm and fuzzy Iraqi fairytale into "The Nightmare on Haifa Street" or "The 17 billion dollar in Development Bradley Fighting Armoured Personel Carrier Blowed Up Reeeeeeeeeal Good". Just like the whistle blowers said it would.
Not Even the Pres, Nor All the President's Men Could Put Oil Rich Iraq Back Together Again.
By Lloyd Hart
After selling the fairy tale of rebuilding Iraq with Iraq's own oil money and then modifying the fairy tale in order to get funding for rebuilding Iraq out of Congress and the American people and then flushing the money down no bid contract Wabit holes to companies like Halliburton and Bechtel who's book keeping resembles that of Mad Hatter Wabits rather than professional sevice firms - the Bush regime has decided to modify or should I say mutate the warm and fuzzy Iraqi fairytale into "The Nightmare on Haifa Street" or "The 17 billion dollar in Development Bradley Fighting Armoured Personel Carrier Blowed Up Reeeeeeeeeal Good". Just like the whistle blowers said it would.
The Bush regime announced yesterday that it could no longer afford to pay for the rebuilding of Iraq and can only afford to secure Iraq. Where the fuck is the oil money George? What the fuck are you spending it on? Sorry, sorry, I have developed a rare form of Terrets disease since moving to America. Its called Politerrets. Paulie want a cracker? Paulie want a cracker? Ah, fuck the cracker I want healthcare. Sorry, Sorry.
So the Iraqi people must now fend for themselves when it comes to getting Iraq back up and running, providing electricity, water and sewer and healthcare (Nah, fuck healthcare! I don't have it. Why should they.) and now the United States that bombed the crap out of that infrastructure is now abdicating even that responsibility? Is that what I am hearing here?
Follow the Money!
Let me get this straight, if the bank account for the oil revenues of Iraqi oil sold to date is in New York City and is under the control of the U.S. State Department, who's the checkwriter and what are they writing checks for? Is the State Department paying the salaries of the interim government with oil revenues? And if the Iraqi people are on their own in terms of rebuilding of Iraq where are they gonna get the money and who is going to distributed it? Will the interim government be able to do what the U.S. government has failed to do? Do they mean secure Iraq first and foremost for oil extraction or first and foremost for elections or first and foremost for basic human services? What does secure Iraqi mean?
Oh yeah - what the fuck happened to the 25 billion dollars we gave you George, you lying piece of shit . Oh, and what happened to the 87 billion dollars we gave you George, you lying piece of shit. Sorry, sorry.
National Security
I thought the security of a nation was based in its democratic institutions and the ablilty of its population to seek and aquire basic human services. To seek recourse from its constitution and courts when injustices occure. To be guarantee rights and freedoms under the equal protection of the rule of law. But what the fuck, I grew up in Canada, what the fuck do I know. Sorry, sorry.
Oh wait, how could have I been so stupid? I get it now! I'm so sorry.
Americans must do without their Liberty so George can secure America from the terroriststs who have highjacked our oil in Iraq and the Iraqi people must do without basic human services, liberty, life and limb and their oil so George can secure Iraq so America can have basic human services, life and limb and of course - liberty with Iraqi oil. Right I get it now. I understand where America liberties are to be found, their in the liberating Iraqi oil from those terroriststs, the Iraqi people. After all we need the oil to fight the War on the Poor, I mean The War on Terror. I get it now.
I feel so much better now. Can you imagine what it would be like here in America without electricity, water and sewer. I for one would be would be very upset.
If that ever happened here in America I would be glad George didn't renew the Assault Weapons Ban.