Protest at Guatemalan Embassy
230 N. Michigan Ave
Friday Sept 10, 2004 @ noon
On Tuesday August 31, 2004, the Guatemalan Special Forces Police invaded an encampment of over 1500 landless campesin@s on the occupied land of Finca Nueva Linda. The military invasion included the use of tear gas, tanks, helicopter strafing, automatic weapons, severe beatings, detentions and terror tactics to evict the agricultural settlement. The military burned over 500 homes and beat journalists who documented the violence. At least 7 campesin@s were killed by gunfire and investigators are examining the scene for evidence of a mass grave. Over 40 people are still missing.
President Berger has pledged to evict dozens more landless campesin@ occupations, and has sought to place blame for violent excess on the squatters themselves.
Join us in protest outside the Guatemalan Embassy this Friday September 10, 2004 at 12:00 noon.
Guatemalan Embassy
230 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 1000
We will make a Maya-inspired altar in honor of the victims.
No more evictions! No mas desalojos!
No more massacres! No mas masacres!
Land, justice and freedom for Guatemalan campesin@s!
Tierra, justicia y libertad para l@s campesin@s de Guatemala!
Massacre in Guatemala: 9 Killed, Dozens Wounded
Campesinos and Police Clash in Champerico
Published by Guatemala Human Rights Commission, 9/2/04
Extra judicial executions and clandestine graves in Guatemala
(part I)
(Part II) A History of Nueva Linda and Agrarian Conflict
Madrid solidarity demo + links and many fotos of eviction massacre