Peace Rally to Mark 1000 GI killed in Action as well as the mourn all the Iraqis slaughtered
The number of US casualties in Iraq is rapidly reaching the 1,000 mark.
As of this morning, 998 US soldiers have been killed in Iraq (see It is very likely that the number will
reach or surpass 1,000 tomorrow.
The day after the figure hits the 1,000 mark, DuPage County peace
activists will hold an emergency "honk for peace" rally from 5:00-7:00
PM. It will take place along Roosevelt Road in front of Trader Joe's
(680 Roosevelt Rd) in Glen Ellyn. Similar events will be taking all
around the country. (Another notice will be sent out before the rally.)
Please join us with signs in memory of the 1,000 US soldiers who have
died in the illegal and immoral war in Iraq. One thousand dead soldiers
are 1,000 too many!
Also, please help spread the word about this rally to others.