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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Jewish Group Questions Revocation of Scholar's Visa

JCUA Raises Concerns over Civil Freedoms and Ethnic Tensions in Case of Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramadan

September 8, 2004

Jewish Group Questions Revocation of Scholar’s Visa

JCUA Raises Concerns over Civil Freedoms and Ethnic Tensions in Case of
Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramadan

Chicago, IL—The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) today announced its deep concern over the abrupt, unexplained revocation of a visa to Tariq Ramadan, the distinguished Muslim intellectual hired to teach at Notre Dame University.

JCUA is concerned that the barring of Ramadan may represent one more horrific example of government suspicion, intimidation, and exaggerated allegations against Muslims and Muslim communities. JCUA deplores the failure of the Bush Administration to explain its decision.

JCUA is troubled that the absence of credible information has led to the proliferation of uninformed media reports and commentaries that pit Jews against Muslims on this issue. Some of these pieces have appeared to cast doubt on the sincerity of all Muslim reformers, while others have contained unsupported charges that Jewish organizations are controlling government policy.

JCUA Executive Director Jane Ramsey stated, "We refuse to allow Jewish and Muslim communities to be turned against each other by speculation and fear. The government should provide information that allows the public to evaluate this situation."

Ramsey added, “If the government cannot prove that Ramadan is a threat to public safety, it should allow him to enter the country and to participate in the free and open exchange of ideas.

JCUA President Sidney Hollander remarked, "Jews in this country have often suffered from blacklisting and accusations of disloyalty, and we view with concern the government's behavior, which fuels innuendo and harms our efforts to build a healthy relationship between Jews and Muslims in our cities."

JCUA is appalled by what appears to be a widespread prejudice against Muslims in the Chicago area and nationwide, and believes that fear of Muslims, Arabs, and terrorism is being used to justify an erosion of civil liberties that poses a danger to all people, and especially to minorities, in the United States. Since 2001, JCUA has worked with representatives of Muslim communities in Chicago to reform the USA PATRIOT Act and to build common cause against injustice and discrimination.

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The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs combats poverty, racism, and anti-Semitism in partnership with Chicago’s diverse communities.

Since 1964, JCUA has assisted groups in low-income and minority communities, built coalitions with diverse groups, advocated on issues of poverty and racism, and mobilized a Jewish constituency to create a more just city. Today, JCUA is at the forefront of pressing issues affecting Chicago’s most at-risk communities, including affordable housing, job creation, community reinvestment, civil liberties, criminal justice, public transportation, and neighborhood stability.



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