LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Cheney to Speak in DeKalb - 9.18.2004
9.18.2004: Speaker Hastert's 2004 Mega Event. NIU Convocation Center, DeKalb, IL. 5:30 p.m. cocktails, 6:30 p.m. dinner. Doors open at 4:45. $150/person. The Guest Speaker is Vice President, Dick Cheney. Contact: Lisa Wagner, 630-879-1988 or 630-234-2279.
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It is ABSOLUTELY essential that the Chicago activist community turn out to greet this "man".
In a speech today in Des Moines he had the audacity to claim that the wrong vote in November will result in a terrorist attack. So basically the American public will be responsible if an attack occurs. We cannot put up with this nonsense.
Stand up Chicago and let your voice be heard!!
In case you have not noticed, the death toll in Iraq reached 1000 today.