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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

NYC RNC A30 Poor People's March

Images from Monday's Poor People's March
Young Woman Listening 01.jpg
Cheri Speaks Wide 02.jpg
Drop Bush Crowd One 03.jpg
Steve Earl 04.jpg
Sitting Man Resting 05.jpg
Mother Baby Raised 06.jpg
Boy Wild Hair 07.jpg
Kensington Welfare Rights Union organized Monday's massive afternoon march which followed Still We Rise's morning march. The march followed a 4pm rally at the U.N. and carried on to the 'Protest Zone' near Madison Square Garden. Putting the wheelchair bound and children first, contrary to the priorities of the present administration, thousands reached Madison Square Garden after dusk. The ending rally portion was cut off however due to an incident involving plainsclothes officers charging motorscooters into the middle of the march via a side intersection. Protesters were injured and twelve arrested. Responding to the police aggression, one person knocked an officer off his scooter and kicked him unconscious. Despite including footage of the police aggression, NYC corporate media focused on the angered citizen in their newsreport.

The following images, however, focus on members of Kensington Welfare Rights Union's coalition Poor People's Campaign for Economic Human Rights. Part of this campaign is the March for our Lives. Poor people activists are presently staying in a Bushville hosted by a benevolent church, after a brief stint at Central Park, in which four were arrested.

Unlike the corporate media which looks for one-liner headline shots, I strived to show more humanity and the inherent dignity.

Limited Copyright. Images available for sympathetic grassroots organizations, if you're a publication with money, you need to support photographers. Thanks.



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