Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

A Big Thanks to All From The Bus Trip!

A big thank you to everyone who made the Chicago to New York such a great success. Even though busses broke down and a flaming cereal truck stoped us for over hour we made the most of it. The people were great, and each rest stop was a reflection of the way life should be. Out of money? I'll get ya some food. Need a smoke? Here ya go! How 'bout a beer? Sure! If the rest of the world was as nice to each other as we all were then we wouldn't have needed this trip in the first place. We should plan something to get togeter and watch/listen/look at whatever media we can get our hands on. I know I've got about 10 rolls from the march, and I'm sure that there's more to be had. THANK YOU ALL for a job well done! I hope to see all of your beautiful faces again.




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