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Blogger Challenges Jerry Falwell on Christian Family Values

"Whenever We Read the Obscene Stories, the Voluptuous Debaucheries, the Cruel and Torturous Executions, the Unrelenting Vindictiveness, with which more than Half the Bible is filled, it Would be More Consistent that we called it the Word of a Demon, than the Word of God. It is a History of Wickedness, that has Served to Corrupt and Brutalize Mankind." Thomas Paine (1737-1809; Original Founding Father
Apparently some Folk in America are Not Buying the Myth that Our Great Country Was Founded on the Biblical Judeo - Christian Right Wing Propaganda that is so Prevalent in Today's News Media -

Obviously no Stranger to Controversy, in Defense of America’s Founding Fathers, Schultz describes his work as “A Blogger’s Patriotic Response to the Hard Line, Right Wing, Religious Intolerance and **&%%$$# of Political Indifference of Self-Righteousness Corrupting Church and State. A Direct Challenge to Jerry Falwell - George W. Bush, The Christian Coalition” and as Schultz has said “Damn it America -- Is This The God We Pray To?”
Self Described as a Cosmic Lawyer - One has to Wonder if He has the Same Mentality as a Priest who tells you he can Mediate Between You and God.

Offering himself up as a Sacrificial Lamb ( while passing the collection plate for a beer run ) Schultz is Opinionated , Arrogant, and Grounded Factually , Both Historically and Biblically. Be-Forewarned, though, this is a Reality Check on the Religious Bigotry that is all to Pervading America's Great Ideal of Spiritual Liberty. According to Schultz, “Arrogantly Hypocritically Unpatriotic are the Evangelical Christian Right Wing Holding Socially and Politically Steadfast to Abominable Prejudices and War-Mongering Hatred as Demanded by Biblical God.” Read for your yourself - before jumping to Conclusions -

Excerpt from Onward Christian Soldiers - Intro:

Welcome all Nations, Religions and Spiritual Opinions, Soothsayers, Astrologers and Infidels of Blasphemy. Welcome Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Those with the Keys to the Pearly Gates. Welcome George W. Bush - Fall Upon Your Knees and Fall Upon the God You Pray Unto. Come Hither to Witness and Judge the Trial of The Biblical Lord God of Hosts Upon This Day in The Global Court of Spiritual Consciousness. This Day Bringing Forth Multiple Crimes Against The Humanities, Nature and the Evolution of Spiritual Development into Public Scrutiny for Judgment and Conviction.

Those to Testify Include Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Mother Nature, Biblical God Under Oath and Patriots of Spiritual Freedom. Testimony from the Holy Word of God and Authentic Documentation of Spiritual Philosophy Supporting America's Original Architects of Historic Biblical God Fearlessness of Blasphemous Proportions.

A Trial Sobering to the Eye of Fundamental Religious Indoctrinated Ignorance. Intoxicating with Intellectual Ammunition Valiantly Confronting the Throngs of Self-Righteous Members of Thousands of Tax-Exempt Religious Political Platforms Poisoning the Foundations of Spiritual Liberty and Freedom. Christian Coalitions, God Fearing Judgmental Hypocrites, Extreme Right Wing Administration Come Hither to this Simple Peasant's Patriotic Endeavor to Hundredth Monkey the Urgency of Dismantling the Caustic Bridge Between Church and State.

The Pen of Factual Discernment Must be Mightier then the Sword of Irreverent Ignorance. Come Hither Blithering Zealot Driven Bindings of Arrogant Self- Righteous Glue, Mongrels of Defamation Throwing Congressional Laws at Spiritual Liberty and be Slayed with this Sword of Truth to Leave you Wriggling on the Parchment of Your Own Putrid Fly Paper. Witness and Judge This Call To Spiritual Arms, Forever Continuously Evoking the Sound of The Freedom Bell Ringing and The Shot Heard Round the World. Participate in the Spiritual Missile Defense System that Counter-Acts the Shock and Awe Campaign Aiming it's Smart Bombs and Weapons of Mass Deception Attempting to Leave in Ashes Our Sacred Constitution and the American Flag of Spiritual Liberty Awaiting the Flick of a Cheap Bic Lighter.

We Must Make America The Beacon of Truth as Our Founding Fathers Envisioned - Praising a God of Spiritual Liberty - A Truth That Was Complete Blasphemously in the Face of Centuries of Abominable Antiquities Penned on Parchment. Tell the Preachers to Pass the Collection Plates and Make a Run for the Cold Beer. Grab a Cold One for The Patriots Who Brought us Our Freedom ... Things get a Little Hot Putting God On Trial..

For the Rest of the Story Be a Juror in the Trial -



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