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Green Party Candidate Opposes Draft and Endless War

Says either Kerry or Bush Will Re-Establish Draft
News Release


August 23, 2004

Contact: Blair Bobier, Media Director at 541.929.5755 or 414.364.1596

Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb said today he opposes the re-establishment of a military draft and the concept of "endless war" perpetrated by the Bush administration.

"The reality is that both George W. Bush and John Kerry have strikingly similar positions in terms of the military and the occupation of Iraq. Kerry wants 40,000 new troops and Bush wants to fight a global war without an end in sight. There's only one way to achieve these militaristic goals and that's to restore the draft. The Green Party and I oppose the draft, the continued occupation of Iraq and a foreign policy which uses military muscle as a primary tool instead of as a last resort," said Cobb.

Cobb said that a "de facto draft" has already been initiated. Through stop-loss orders, the Administration is currently extending the tours of duty of service men and women far beyond their original termination dates -- a de facto draft.

The Selective Service System (SSS) has also been quietly readying local draft boards, long moribund, to resume full operation. While many other government departments and agencies have endured cuts in funding, the SSS enjoyed a $28 million increase in its budget in 2004.

"It defies logic to believe that Bush or Kerry will not attempt to revive conscription, which is the only solution to the personnel problems created by the policies of 'Endless War.' The Green Party stands with the majority of Americans in opposing the unjustified occupation of Iraq and a draft to support the occupying forces. Voters who want to send a strong message of opposition to the war and the draft have a clear choice: vote Green," said Cobb.

More Information:
Cobb-LaMarche campaign
Green Party



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